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In one of the many taverns of Port Royal a Jamaican port popular for thieves, prostitutes and most importantly pirates, a Captain sat with his crew of 'Lady Death', a popular name between pirates. At the bar the captain drank a bottle of rum, his crew everywhere else enjoying themselves and Hawkins – his first mate and Irish friend – made sure nobody did anything daft or stepped out of line. Approached from the side by one of the many, not so pretty, prostitutes in the bar, Silver only side eyed her, and she averted her march to someone else. He wasn't in the mood for flirting and especially if they didn't want to get the message to leave.

They were running very low on funds and couldn't afford enough supplies to get to the Italian Ocean. He had thought of taking a loan but it would be a hassle and he never knew if he could trust the people they were loaning from. Sighing deeply a man sat next to him ordering a bottle of rum for themselves. Glancing at the man next to him, he wore a cloak with his face obscured, but could see the man worked hard with his hands. Taking a large gulp of rum Silver looked over to his crew and saw Hawkins yelling at the boy they hired last year about something he did or done. The man next to him also took a gulp of rum but not as big. "Are you in port?" The man asked with a raspy voice and the captain side eyed him and frowned but answered nonetheless, "Aye, but I have a feeling we are going to stay here for a while." "Why do you say that?" The old man did not have an accent like most of the men and woman on that island, he sounded schooled. Answering the mans question with a sigh, "We ain't got the money." "Where are you lads off to?" The old man wanted something, and Silver knew it, the man just needed to spit it out. "What do ye want old man?" Finishing his rum he turned in his seat to face the stranger.

Hawkins saw what was happening at the bar, walking closer to make sure his friend and Captain was not in danger. "I have a proposition for you." Noticing Hawkins in his peripheral he held his right hand up, indicating everything was all right, for the moment. "What kind of proposition?" He asked tilting his head slightly, intrigued by what the old man wanted to say. "I need someone to go to Blue Cliff Kingdom in the Italian Ocean. There's someone there I need you to fetch for me." The man paused and looked at Silver to see he was still listening. "They should be wearing a blue sapphire neckless." "Lad or lass?" Hawkins questioned folding his arms over his chest, eyeing his Captain. "I don't know, all I do know they should be around 18." Done talking Silver frowned at the information given and realised, why would he want help?, wouldn't it be easier to do it himself? But he also realised money would be involved and they needed to get there anyways. "Why are ye trusting pirates to get ye this person?" "Because I know your kind would never say no to a lot of money." Raising his brow in disrespect to the mans choice of words he knew it was true.

"How much?" He asked as Hawkins frowned at their Captain. He didn't trust the old man and he most definitely didn't like the idea of kidnapping someone, they never have before. And he knew his Captain would be dumb enough and desperate enough to do it. "10 000." The old man finally answered his bright blue- grey eyes and wrinkled around his eyes and mouth frowned. "That ain't enough old man." Silver said trying to get more out of him. He looked at Hawkins and saw the disappointment on his face. "15 000?" Tilting his head thinking it was reasonable, he thought he could get more out of him. "20 000." Silver suggested/ demanded which made him stand. "Ugh, your ridiculous. I'll find someone else." Stopping him Silver stood as well, "Ye won't." The old man turned around a scowl in his expression. "We've been to Blue Cliff Kingdom, most pirates are afraid of that place, I am one of the few who ain't. So, either ye take my amount or try and find another willing participant." Frowning the man sighed thinking for a moment, "Big words for pirate." Not minding the old mans comment he smirked. "Fine. You have a deal pirate. 10 000 now, and 10 000 when you get back. No harm is to come to them, otherwise you can forget about the rest." "Done old man." Smirking at the man they spat in their hands and shook on it. "We'll leave tomorrow at dawn." Nodding at the pirate the old man gave him a bag of 10 000 shillings and walked out of the tavern. Counting the money, he had received, he saw in the corner of his eye Hawkins still stood with his arms crossed. "Ye seem disappointed?" Sighing he looked back at the men then faced Silver. "Ye know we don't do jobs like this? I know ye're getting desperate but... not like this." Looking up at his best friend he pocketed the money and walked out, heading for the ship. "Relax Hawkins, this will be an easy job. Nobody will get hurt."

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