
It was a quiet early morning, the soft breeze pushing the curtains up and pulling them back down. The sound of waves crashing against the cliffs, seagulls passing by making their way to their nests. Evelyn sat up rubbing her eyes to clear her vision, stretching her arms high in the air, throwing her legs out of bed. Standing up she went to the window and looked over the grey-blue ocean. The sun hasn't come up yet but there was a dim light peeking over the horizon. A chill breeze blew over her lightly tanned skin, her hair went back, and some went in her face. Taking a deep breath of the salty air that overtook Evelyn's whole existence ever since she was a child. The same sounds and view she has seen since she could see. However, she remembered her older siblings telling her the first time they had arrived there. The British empire was growing, and they needed an embassy in Italy, but Evelyn's mother and father were a duke and duchess, so the people had made them king and queen not long after that. The second youngest was born during this time and she was only born after. Although she did remember her mother telling Evelyn her father left to fight against, she couldn't really remember who, but he wasn't there.

Hearing the waves crash against the mountain side for the millionth time since it was created, she smiled. She loved the ocean, she always has. The idea of the water splashing on her skin and the wind taking her wherever she wanted to go overwhelmed her being. Shaking the thought from her head she already knew her my father would never allow it. Walking to her closet, she picked a light green dress, slipping it on with no shoes. Opening her door, Evelyn carefully peeked to see if anyone else was awake however nobody was, she preferred it. Tip-toeing against the wall towards the kitchen there she could grab a snack and go down the mountain to put her feet into the water and see the sun rise. She had done it every morning, unless it rained or the secret path to the beach was occupied by some soldiers, but nobody seemed to notice her routine. The maidens woke up when the sun started to show its head and that was when they got breakfast ready for everyone, but by then she was already in her room.

In the kitchen, on one of the many tables, sat a wooden plate with yesterday's bread. It might not be as delicious as freshly baked bread, but it would do. Making her way to the bread, reaching out to take one, her hand was struck by another. "Ow!" Evelyn exclaimed and met the gaze of an angry Phillip. Giving him a warm smile to array what she was doing which in turn made him more suspicious. "What are you doing?" He asked narrowing his eyes at her. "Nothing, brother dear." Evelyn never called Phillip 'brother dear' unless she didn't want to get into trouble. He huffed at her answer not really believing it. "We both know you weren't doing nothing." She crossed her arms over her chest, "Really?" She retorted with a sarcastic tone frowning at him. He pulled a face and stated with a soft but stern voice. "You can't go down the mountain today." Uncrossing her arms Evelyn frowned deeply placing her arms to her sides. "How did you..." He smiled, "I've known for a while. I didn't say anything because... I know how much you love the ocean and escaping from it all." Taking a deep breath, she hoped her secret would stay hidden but knew Phillip was not an idiot, she only hoped he hasn't told their parents. Giving her a smile of reassurance she knew then that wasn't the case. "I don't appreciate you stopping me." He chuckled softly, "I'm guessing you have forgotten?" It was more of a statement than a question and she was confused of course, "I forgot what?" He laughed this time and rubbed his hair back. "It's our sister, Aurora's, coming of age ball tonight." Evelyn's eyes widen with realisation and formed a O with her lips, but her expression quickly changed into a scrunched apologetic look, "Sorry." He looked at her and smirked, "Well we better get ready for breakfast, so I advise you to get some shoes." Looking down at her feet she giggled. Giving him a quick hug Evelyn rushed to her room.

Returning to her room to find Sophie, her lady-in-waiting, standing by the closet getting things out. "Good morning, Princess." She smiled and bowed. "Good morning to you to, Sophie. Lovely morning, isn't it?" "Yes, it's quite nice." She turned and looked out the window before turning back and finishing her duties. She sat a dress on Evelyn's bed, and she knew it was for the ball that night. Hearing a soft knock on her door she turned to see her mother walk in. Sophie bowed, the Queen nodded and indicated with a wave of her hand that she had to leave which she did just that. Sitting on the windowsill Evelyn watched as the sun rise. "Evelyn?" Turning her head to face her mother, who sat on the bed. She had light skin, a button nose and almost always had a smile on her face, that was not one of those times. "Come sit here." She tapped the spot next to her which Evelyn obeyed and sat next to her. "What is it mother?" She asked gently, looking at her with an almost worried look the Queen forced a smile. Evelyn was not sure why her mother looked at her like that, or the reason behind her forced smile, it was troublesome. "I worry about all of you." She finally broke the silence, tears brimmed her ocean eyes. "Mom?" I spoke softly, she took a breath and wiped a few tears away. "I- I, I need you to be brave, strong and kind, because I won't always be there to protect you." Frown at her words Evelyn became worried and fear slowly sunk in. What did she mean? "Evelyn, this was mine, given to me by your father, to express his love, and now I want you to have it." Shocked at the sudden surprise of a gift, it was not her birthday. Holding a beautiful turquoise sapphire stone with a silver chain to her Evelyn was mesmerised by the small stone before her. "Thank you, mother." She smiled, placing the stone in her palm closing her hand gently, giving her a quick hug before standing up and walked to the door. Halting before opening it, "Oh, and Evelyn?" "Yes?" She asked, concern in her voice. She opened her mouth to speak but said nothing, leaving Evelyn more confused and worried.

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