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Shutting off my annoying alarm, I snuggled with my teddy, Eddie.

Shutting off my annoying alarm, I snuggled with my teddy, Eddie

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God, my Eddie is just sooo... umm.. cuddly? Yeah he is just so cuddly. Just as I was trying to get into a more comfortable position, I heard soft knocks at my room's door. Successfully ignoring the knocks, I snuggled into Eddie. Before I could drift to my La La land, Uwe barged into my room.

"Come on, Wakey! Wakey! Sleepy head. You have a date today." 

Ignoring him, I continued with my snuggling session. I heard him huffing at me. Suddenly, I felt cold air hitting me and then I was lifted up in the air.

-My look-

I pulled my hair into a high ponytail

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I pulled my hair into a high ponytail. Locking the house, I went to the library to get a book or two to read. Did I forget to mention that books are my love? Entering the library, I greeted the librarian, Mrs. Hart , an old lady in her sixties. "Good morning, Mrs. Hart." 

"Good morning, dear. How can I help you today?"

 "I would like to read a detective novel. Can you direct me where it is kept?"

 "It's in the second row." Thanking Mrs. Hart, I started my search for the novel. I picked out 'Murder On The Orient Express' by Agatha Christie. Checking out with Mrs. Hart, I went to Cafe Pyrus which is just opposite to our house. The aroma of the freshly brewed coffee hit my nostrils just as I entered the cafe. "Good morning Uncle James."

 "Good morning kiddo. Whatcha got today to read?" he asked indicating to the book in my hand. "Murder On The Orient Express."

 "Sounds Interesting."

 "Yup." Uncle James along with his wife, Aunt Mary own this cafe. They are a great couple. "Good morning, Aunt Mary."

 "Good morning, Baani. Would you like to have something?" 

"Hot chocolate with macrons."

 " It will be ready in about 15 minutes. Go grab a table." I seated myself in the window booth at the far back.

ZUIVER ZIEL (Previously ZUIVER)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora