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Once he went away after serving the dishes, Tej inquired, "What happened after that?"

"So, I called her this afternoon when I was getting ready for the movie."


"Hey, mom."

"Good morning, Zoi."

"It's afternoon here, Mom," I replied cheekily to which she rolled her eyes and huffed at me. After talking to both my parents about the day, I asked," Mom, Dad, what did you guys want to talk about?"

At my question, Mom nudged Dad and he asked me hesitantly," You know we love you champ, and will never force you to do anything, right champ?"

"Of course, I know Dad. Is that something you even need to ask?"

Dad again hesitated for a moment but continued, "So... the thing is.." Before Dad could continue Mom cut him in between.

"Zoi, what we wanted to tell you is that yesterday, Daman and Rupinder visited us to ask for your hand in marriage for their eldest son, Ehraz."

"WHAT?" To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Being occupied with my studies and career, I never thought about dating and had no time for it. So, my parents popping up the marriage question left me shocked.

"Zoi, listen to me first, dear." I took a deep breath to calm down my nerves. I wasn't prepared for this. You can't blame me for being nervous.

"Dear, you know we would have never brought this up if this proposal wasn't worth your time. Ehraz's parents and we have been friends since college and we have met him quite a few times."

"But Mom, Dad, don't you think this is so sudden. I mean...," I looked down, unable to continue what I was saying. I mean, what was I even supposed to say. I know my parents brought this up only because they trusted them with me, but this sudden marriage talk did fluster me.

"Dear, look at me," Dad coaxed me gently.

"As parents, we want you to find someone who will love you unconditionally and take care of you, and in no way we are going to force you to marry him. We just think he is a good match for you and want you to meet him at least once. You know, getting to know each other, and if after meeting Ehraz you still don't like or feel anything for him, we won't force you. We just want you to give this a chance. How does that sound, hmm?"

I fidgeted a bit. "Mom, Dad, I know you will only do what's best for me. It's just that you guys brought up this topic so suddenly, so I am not able to process it. I think I need some time to digest all this."

"Sure dear, take your time. There's absolutely no rush and always remember we will always support your decision no matter what it is."

- End Flashback -

"I'm just not sure if I'm ready for this whole marriage thing," I said to my friend Tej as soon as I finished telling her the story. "That's the reason I was late," I added, letting out a deep breath. Tej's mouth formed a perfect 'o' in shock.

"It's okay, Zoi. There's nothing to worry about," Tej said, trying to reassure me. "You know how supportive your family is, and they'll support whatever decision you make."

I felt a little better after hearing her words of comfort. We continued our conversation and enjoyed our meal. Afterward, I drove my Bentley Flying Spur back to my house and called my brother, Uwe.

"Uweee..." I said as he answered the phone.

"Looks like Mom and Dad told you about the marriage proposal," Uwe chuckled.

"You knew..." I said accusingly.

"I thought it would be better if our parents talked to you about this," he replied.

"So, what do you think about this?" I asked.

"Honestly, Ehraz is a nice man. He's perfect for you. You should at least meet him once," Uwe said.

I was surprised to hear my brother's endorsement of the proposal, but I trusted his opinion. I had already made up my mind to meet Ehraz. I knew I was going to marry him.

"So, ..umm.. you will come with me, right?"


"I mean.. uhh.. to meet him."

"Is that a yes for the marriage, huh?" he teased me.

"I only said yes to meeting him," I huffed, trying to defend myself.

"Sure, sure. Do you think I don't know what's going on in your head?" Uwe teased me.

"Shut up," I said, hanging up the phone. I clutched the phone tightly in my hand and took a deep breath. I was scared of this whole unexpected thing, but besides my fear, I also felt something else, something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

After calming down, I picked up a photo of myself as a 10-year-old, along with my parents, brother, and grandparents. The photo was taken on the day we finally got rid of the most toxic person in our lives. Our eyes reflected our happiness. I missed my grandparents a lot. I knew if they were alive, they would have thought the same as my family regarding this proposal because impressing my family and gaining their trust was not a child's play.

Feeling exhausted from the day's events, I decided to get some sleep. I had to work the next day, and it was already dark outside. As soon as I closed my eyes, I quickly drifted to my dreamland.






ZUIVER ZIEL (Previously ZUIVER)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें