"You were supposed to inject him," he said when she was done. "Those are the rules."

"I know," she agreed. "And I'm not sure why I didn't."

"Because," Nicholas observed, "killing isn't as easy as you might think." He looked around the deck where various med staff were treating patients. It was quiet enough to whisper, but not so quiet that they might be accidentally overheard.

"Tell me, Aurelia. Does the word Resistance mean anything to you?"

She shook her head.


Nicholas looked as though he was about to say more, but the senior med Worker came through the door of the central column at that moment and clapped his hands.

"Okay," he announced, "everyone here is as stable as possible, and there are more wounded than we had thought. A further three decks are being cleared below for more patients. We'll be stretched for med staff as it is, so if you have someone who can be discharged upstairs, please send them now."

Aurelia looked at Nicholas. "You'll have to go up," she said. "I'll clear it with the senior med Worker. He'll tell security where you are."

He nodded. "We shall continue this conversation, Aurelia," he said as he got up. "You're a very interesting girl." He gave her an intense, piercing look and then left.

Now what was all that about? Aurelia was even more confused now, and she had spilled her secret as well. She had a feeling that Nicholas wasn't going to tell anyone, but still, she hadn't got the hoped-for secret from him in return. And this Resistance business? She wasn't an idiot; she was well aware of the historical meaning of the word resistance but had no idea how this might be important to her life right now.

A murmuring sound shook her from her thoughts. Hansen was coming around.

"Shhh, you're in good hands," she said as he began to struggle slightly.

His eyes opened, and she was shocked for a moment at how completely blue they were. And then he smiled.

Her stomach squirming, Aurelia remembered having a slight crush on Jonathon Hansen when she was younger. That smile reminded her why.

"You've been injured," Aurelia told him, trying to remain professional. "But you're going to be fine."

Hansen grimaced as he moved his leg. "It hurts a bit," he said, but he was still smiling.

"Well, there was a big, gaping wound there until recently, so I'm not surprised."

Hansen laughed. "Med Workers with a sense of humour? That's a new one."

"Politicians who can laugh - that's a new one," responded Aurelia before she could stop herself.

But Hansen just laughed harder at this. Then he winced as he tried to move his leg again.

"Shall I get you some pain meds, Mr. Hansen?" asked Aurelia.

He shook his head. "I'll deal with it. And maybe you should call me Jonathon?"

"And why's that?"

"Because all my friends do. And I'm pretty sure that once you've had your hands inside someone's gaping wound, as you so delicately put it, then you're bound to become friends."

Aurelia smiled and introduced herself. She then explained to Jonathon as best she could what had happened. He simply nodded at the news, as though there was no mystery in why a space shuttle should be attacked randomly for the first time in Aurelia's memory.

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