The Game Pt2 (Shaymien)

Start from the beginning

 "Um, Shayne, you can let go of me now." Damien said, feeling like he was about to explode.

 "But, I like it here." Shayne said in his ear sending shivers through his body, Shayne spoke again in his ear. "Do you want me to let go?"

 "No." Damien said, as he turned his head to look at Shayne, neither said a word or moved, until Shayne kissed him, Damien pulled away after a few seconds. "Crap! I'm sorry, Damien, I shouldn't have done that!" Shayne said upset, as he turned to leave.

 "Shayne, don't go, please." Damien said, grabbing his arm stopping him.

 "It's okay, Damien, you don't need..."

 "Shayne, you don't understand...there's something I've been keeping from you and Ian. Something I've kept secret from everyone for a long time now." Damien said nervously.

 "Damien, you can tell me anything, you know that." Shayne assured him.

 "It's not that simple, Shayne." He said sighing.

 "Come on, let's sit down, huh?" Shayne said taking Damien's hand, as they went and sat on a bench facing each other, Shayne could see how nervous he was. "Okay, am I really that scary that you can't tell me?" Shayne asked, Damien stood and began to pace, as he took a deep breath, and looking at Shayne he knew it was time to tell him about his love; unsure what his reaction would be.

 "No, I'm that just that chicken! Shayne, before I tell you I need you to promise me you'll let me get everything out before you say or do anything?" Damien said.

 "I promise." Shayne answered.

 "Okay, here goes. For the last two years, I've, this is harder than I thought! Alright...for the last two years, I've been in love with one of my best friends! The kind of love that drives you crazy, head over heels, all I think about is them, kind of love! I never meant for it to happen, but it did and the last couple of months my mind and body have been taken over completely by them; just being near them, causes my body to react. I have never felt like this with anyone else in my life, and they have no clue I feel this way. I've wanted to tell them for so long, but I'm afraid I'll lose them forever if they don't feel the same way." Damien said, as he continued pacing.

 "I'm such a freaking idiot! I should have talked to you before I kissed you. I'm so sorry, Damien, I...I had no idea." Shayne said gently, thinking he meant Ian. " should tell them, Dames, they might feel the same." He said as he stood and turned to leave.

 "I...I just did! Shayne, I'm talking about you." Damien said, as Shayne froze.

 "Me?" Shayne asked turning to face him shocked.

 "I...I knew this was a mistake! Shayne, I'm..." Damien began, but Shayne cut him off.

 "Dames, calm down!" Shayne said, as he took Damien's arm and they sat down. "Okay, it's my turn now. You were honest with me, now I'll be honest with you...I'm in love with one of my best friends too." Shayne saw Damien look away and he spoke quickly. "Damien, it's you...I'm in love with you."

 "What? Why didn't you tell me?" Damien asked in shock.

 "I guess, I just thought you saw me as only a friend, so I made myself believe that was good enough for me." Shayne said sighing.

 "I...I had no idea." Damien said still in shock.

 "Really? Even with my not-so-subtle hints?" Shayne asked smiling.


 "My flirting, my constantly touching you, my always being close to you? Come on, Dames, either I'm really bad at flirting? Or, you're really bad at realizing when someone's flirting with you, dude." Shayne said smiling, as he nudged Damien gently with his shoulder.

 " long?" Damien asked, still unsure if this was a dream.

 "Two years." Shayne answered.

 ", where do we go from here?" Damien asked.

 " you want to give us a try?" Shayne asked seriously.

 "Are you kidding? I've only been waiting for you to say that for two damn years!" Damien said happily, as he kissed Shayne, when they finally pulled apart Shayne spoke smiling.

 "So is that a yes?"

 "Does this answer your question?" Damien asked, as he kissed him again.

 "Dames, I need you to do something for me, please?" Shayne asked when they pulled apart.

 "Okay, what?" Damien asked.

 "I'm not ready to let anyone know about us...not even Ian. I'm just not ready, so can we keep it between us for a while? Can you promise me you will, until I'm ready?"

 "Shayne, he's our best friend, he'll understand."

 "Damien, please? This is all so new to me, we'll tell him I promise just not right away."

 "Okay, Shayne, I won't tell anyone if it means that much to you."

 "Thank you, Dames." Shayne said smiling, as he kissed him. "Now, let's get back to practicing, huh? We have our semi-finals game coming up."

 "Shayne, how do you expect me to concentrate on practice when you look so good in those damn pants?" Damien asked smiling, as they headed for the ball diamond; Shayne picked up the bat and turned to him smiling, as he played with the bat. "Well, how do you expect me to concentrate, huh?"

 "Okay...well, how about if you practice and  you keep your mind on the game, I'll cook dinner tonight at my place and we can spend the rest of the night alone just the two of us?"

 "Alone? Just you and me?" Damien asked putting his glove on.

 "Yep, just you and me, alone."

 "Deal!" Damien said smiling, before he kissed him and they began practicing again.


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