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-Request for Siniora_Chan (I hope I did good with the plot!)

-Custard Cookie III x Fem!Child!Reader

-Platonic :3 

-Sorry if it took a while, I was nervous about doing Pure Vanilla Cookie ;-;

-Also thank you all for 100 reads! It makes me really happy :]


(Y/n) was watching a certain someone from behind a tree, shifting her feet around. She was making sure she stayed hidden, not wanting to be seen by Custard III (I hope it's okay that he'll be called that). She watched as he was standing on two blocks stacked together, looking very confident as he spoke something to Chilli Pepper. The bandit was nodding, but would roll her eyes from time to time. 

(Y/n) really admired Custard III... he was a healer, not to mention royal. And he seemed like he had royal manners, he was so fancy. (Y/n) looked up to him a little, and she would love to be his friend. He was always so energetic, it would be so fun to hang out with him! Not to mention maybe she'd get treated Although... she was poor and had no connection to royalty at all, and she was just a support. She would always see him, and smile a bit, thinking it would be really nice to be his friend and be able to hang out with him. (Y/n) was always sure it would be fun for her to become friends with Custard III, but... she was always so nervous. What if he didn't like her since she was just a poor support? She was also kind of shy, not energetic like Custard III. What if he didn't like that? He was royal, anything could ruin her chances of being friends with him. She kind of... saw herself as useless sometimes. If only she was royal, then maybe her problems would be solved.

(Y/n) sighed, walking away from the tree. Little did she know that Pure Vanilla Cookie had been watching her, and he watched her walk away as well. He sighed, he could tell what she had been thinking, and it wasn't true. She didn't need to be royal or even high class to be friends with someone who was royal, but Pure Vanilla Cookie needed to show her that, in some way. He got an idea, and nodded to himself, walking off. Yes, that would do well, he had a plan that would fix this.

(Y/n) was sitting on a bench, looking down at the floor as she shuffled her feet. The same problem from before had been bothering her, and she still hadn't gathered any confidence. She sighed, but jumped when she heard someone walking towards her. She looked up, seeing Milk Cookie walk towards her with a smile.

"(Y/n)! I'm glad I found you, follow me. Pure Vanilla Cookie wants me you and some others to go on a mission through the forest to check for cake monsters! Come on!" Milk Cookie smiled, and (Y/n) stood up and nodded. She was still thinking about earlier, and it made her feel a bit down, but nevertheless she followed Milk Cookie. They both went to the entrance of the forest, meeting up with three others. Yam Cookie, Mint Choco Cookie, and... Custard III. That's who must be going on the quest with them, (Y/n) looked at Custard III Cookie for a moment... Maybe she could make friends with him on this quest..? No... that thought from before was still in her mind. She couldn't make friends with him, she wasn't even important at all, and he was a royal cookie. She looked down at the floor, barely listening to what the older ones were saying, well with Custard III butting in from time to time.

 Soon enough they began to go through the forest, walking through it to check for cake monsters. (Y/n) would glance at Custard III from time to time, but she was way too nervous still. She felt like she wasn't important enough to be his friend... and it was making her feel down still. She sighed a little, looking down. But she jumped when she heard a voice next to her.

"Hey... (Y/n) you've been seeming a bit down, and you're kind of behind from the group, are you okay?" Milk Cookie was looking at her with a concerned look, he had noticed how sad she had looked. (Y/n) looked up, fiddling with her fingers a bit. She looked forward, she had fallen behind a little. 

"U-um... yeah, I've just been thinking about something..." (Y/n)'s voice got a bit quiet as she kept walking, looking down at the forest floor. She even tripped, but caught herself before she fell. She looked up, seeing Milk Cookie tilting his head at her, as if wondering what she had been thinking about. He still seemed concerned, and he wanted to help if he could with whatever (Y/n) was upset about.

"Well... I kind of... wanted to be friends with Custard III Cookie..." (Y/n) trailed off, getting nervous. She didn't know what she was complaining about, of course she wouldn't be able to be friends with a royal cookie, it was useless to try unless she was a high class cookie.

"But..? Are you worried about something?" Milk cookie looked at her as the two kept walking, still giving her a worried look. 

"Well... I feel like he won't want to be my friend, because he's a royal cookie, a healing one at that, and I'm just... nothing, I'm just a support cookie." (Y/n) shifted her fingers around as she glanced ahead again, seeing Custard III Cookie trying to boss Yam Cookie around, who just kept rolling his eyes and grumbling. Milk Cookie seemed surprised, but then he gave the girl a soft smile.

"(Y/n)... why would you think that? You don't need to worry about that, you don't need to be a high class cookie or a special cookie to make friends with a Royal Cookie..." Milk cookie gave (Y/n) an encouraging small smile, but (Y/n) just looked at the ground. Milk sighed.

"Listen, I'll tell you what-" Milk Cookie stopped (Y/n) for a moment, and went in front of her to look at her. "-If you go to Custard III, and try to be his friend by just being you, I promise you it'll work."

(Y/n) looked up at Milk with a questioning look, and Milk nodded with a soft smile. (Y/n) looked ahead at Custard III, and sighed, nodding. She was extremely nervous, and it showed a little even as she tried to gain confidence. She walked ahead, watching for a moment as Milk went to talk with Yam. (Y/n) tried to gain more confidence, and walked up to Custard III Cookie to stand beside him. 

"Um... Hi! You're Custard III... Right?" (Y/n) fidgeted with her fingers as she smiled nervously up at Custard Cookie III,  who looked at her. She felt really nervous, but then smiled big as he looked down back at her.

"Yes! You are correct! ...And you are?" Custard III looked at (Y/n) smiling big still with his staff in one hand, he seemed really happy. It made (Y/n) really happy that he was talking to her, and she smiled as well.

"I'm (Y/n)! It's nice to meet you, I was wondering if we could maybe be friends..?"  (Y/n)'s nervousness began to come back as she looked up at Custard III, but she still had confidence. She remembered what Milk had told her, and she was believing it. She just had to be herself, it didn't matter what kind of Cookie she was.

"Of course! It would be lovely to have another friend of mine! Maybe we can even rule along side together!" Custard Cookie III smiled and walked forward as he said this, turning around as he continued to walk but backwards. He tripped, but caught himself before he fell. (Y/n) laughed a little, but nodded.

"Yeah! We would be great rulers!" (Y/n)'s shyness and nervousness had gone away now, being replaced with happiness. She was happy, and she looked at Milk Cookie, who gave her a smile. She then continued to talk to Custard Cookie III, discussing what they would even do as rulers, and what their favorite things to do were. The two of course became great friends, and (Y/n) learned that it didn't matter what Cookie she was for her to be friends with a high class or Royal Cookie.

A/N:  Oh my god I'm so sorry that was bad, and I'm sorry if the ending seemed rushed, and I'm sorry if it didn't match the request. I tried my best to write Pure Vanilla cookie! But I hope I did okay and I hope it's a good story. Again, I'm so sorry it took a long time, I was busy and sort of nervous on writing some parts, but I hope I did good! Again thank you for more than 100 reads! It makes me really happy.

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