x+ Poisoned +x

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Clover x Herb Cookie!

Also yes I know I'm bad at chapter names ;-;


Herb was in his kitchen, in his little house out in the woods. It was near the kingdom, but it was also like he was in his own little world. He had a garden, and there were so many amazing plants that he watered everyday. He was washing some dishes, but soon finished and dried his hands on the towel that was hanging nearby. He looked at the sink, and sighed happily. Today had been going so well for him! He had even seen Clover earlier, him saying that he was going out to the woods to explore for a bit. Herb always knew Clover had a thing for woodland creatures, and plants. Herb kind of... had a crush on Clover. He had for a while now, but he always got so nervous. One day, maybe one day he would tell Clover. But for now they would remain good friends.

Herb began to hum a sweet melody, going outside with his apron tied around him. He grabbed a watering can and began to tend to the flowers on the front lawn, when he heard some rustling in the bushes. He immediately looked up, looking around. No one should be here... right..? No monsters... the forest was completely clear of those, or at least this part. He set the watering can down, but didn't hear anything else. Hm... he could've been hearing things. He looked down at the flowers, about to continue taking care of them. That's when something... or someone, came stumbling out of the bushes. Herb cookie jumped up and looked to see what it was, and his eyes went wide.

"H-Herb, I-I think I might've g-gotten-" Clover was interrupted by him suddenly coughing up a purple liquid, and he shivered. Herb felt his anxiety rise quickly as he rushed over to Clover, who's face was flushed a strange bright purple. It was almost as if he had gotten... oh no. Poison. Herb helped Clover stand up, the green haired male shaking and trying to not loose consciousness. Clover was holding his guitar too, but the strings were broken.

"Oh no, oh no no no. C-Clover stay with me okay?" Herb was trying to keep the other standing, though he was slightly panicking. He was trying to think quickly. From how flushed Clover's face looked, and how dizzy and shaky he looked, there was no time to get him back to the kingdom in time for a real healer to help. The poison had already gotten too far into Clover's body. Herb could also see the bruises and cuts that covered Clover, some of the cuts a faint purple. What had happened..? He shook, but saw Clover's eyes dimming slightly, as if they were about to close.

"I'm going to help you, okay? Y-you just need to stay with me." Herb was trying not to show his panic, and he got an idea. He picked Clover up, the other not even protesting. Clover was focused on staying awake, but it was very difficult. He gripped onto Herb's apron, his breathing speeding up slightly as his face flushed a more bright purple from the poison. It was getting worse, and he could feel it. He felt weak and dizzy, and tired... like he wanted to sleep. He was resisting the urge to pass out though. He could barely see or hear Herb as Herb set him down on somewhere soft. A bed... that's what Clover was laying on. He heard Herb say something before the other left, and Clover shook as he curled up a little, holding his broken ukulele(guitar? Someone please correct me on what Clover's instrument is ;-;)

Herb was still panicking, and he looked through his cabinet. He didn't have as good healing powers without his plants, but maybe there was something else he could do to help besides healing. He first grabbed his precious potted plant, and rushed back into the bedroom that was his own. He inhaled shakily, but managed to turn Clover on his back while Clover was laying down. He put a hand on Clover's forehead, a green glow starting to emit from his hand as he concentrated on healing Clover. The other seemed to lean into Herb's hand, to which Herb didn't mind.

After what seemed like a long while, the bruises had disappeared from Clover's skin, and so had some of the cuts. The poison would still need more things besides healing to help it though, and even without the poison Clover looked like he was having a fever or something. Herb relaxed a bit, and stroked Clover's hair, the other turning to him with a dazed look.

"You can rest now... I promise to take care of you." Herb smiled softly, but Clover seemed to give a small nod before drifting off to sleep as he closed his eyes. Herb sighed with relief, but he realized some of the poison still needed to be rid of. He looked at Clover, and decided to make Clover more relaxed.He set his plant aside, and took Clover's broken instrument, setting it aside. He then took off Clover's hat, hanging it on the door. He then did the same thing with the cloak, but then decided that was good. He grabbed his plant, and walked out of the bedroom.

He then went to the kitchen, setting his potted plant down before getting a rag from the cabinet. He walked over to the sink and made the rag wet, then walked back to the bedroom. He carefully folded the rag, putting it on Clover's head. He was very worried, but it made him feel better when the purple on Clover's face went away almost completely. He got more relieved... he was very concerned. He was wondering how this had happened, but... best not to ask Clover at the moment. Herb sat down beside the bed, leaning against it. He felt himself getting drowsy, but he forced himself to stay awake. It was getting late too... but he wanted to make sure Clover remained unbothered.

Clover stirred in his sleep, starting to wake up. He first realized that there was something cool on his head. He mumbled, waking up completely. He remained laying down for two reasons. One, there was something on his head. Two, he felt... tired again. He tried to remember what happened. He had been in the forest... when he had suddenly gotten attacked. He had almost beat the enemy but they had thrown a bag of powder at him and... then he had went to Herb's house- oh no, he had gotten poisoned. He was anxious now, but he shakily reached up to feel the cold rag on his head. His face felt hot, and he turned a little. He felt extremely weak, and tired along with dizzy. He could see familiar green hair poking out from the side of the bed.

"H-Herb..?" Clover's voice was slightly quiet, but still as soft as it always was. The hair perked up, and suddenly Herb stood up. He looked at Clover, relief crossing over his face.

"Oh thank god you're okay! I was worried about you..." Herb sounded concerned still, looking at Clover, who nodded slightly. Clover mumbled, his head was hurting as well. Herb sat down on the bed beside Clover, and put a hand on Clover's forehead. Clover was still burning up... that wasn't good.

"Hey... It's nighttime, would you want to stay with me for the night..? I don't think it'll be okay for you to be traveling back to the kingdom anyways, since you're in this state..." Herb brushed some of Clover's hair aside, and Clover seemed to think before subtly nodding and mumbling. He seemed too tired to protest, but he tried to sit up. Herb panicked a little, and put a hand on Clover's chest, slowing pushing Clover back down.

"No... please Clover, you need to rest more. I will sleep on the couch tonight and you stay here, okay?" Herb sounded even more concerned, and Clover mumbled again in a soft voice before nodding. Herb got up, and made his way to the door. He jumped when he heard the soft quiet voice again.

"W-wait... Herb c-can you stay?" Clover was shaking, and Herb looked at him with surprise. He thought, but nodded, walking back. He took off his apron and hung it up on a hook by the door, and walked to the bed. He carefully took the rag off of Clover's forehead, putting it on the nightstand. He'd clean up later... he wasn't even thinking about how flustering this was since he had a crush on Clover. He laid down, getting under the covers. He then thought about something, but decided against it. Suddenly he jumped as he felt someone hugging him and snuggling into his side. He blushed, and looked down at Clover. He hugged Clover back, guessing the other was too sick and dizzy to realize what he was doing. Herb closed his eyes, hugging Clover closely in a protective way. He soon drifted off, relaxed and free from worry now that his little flower was okay...

A/N: Please tell me if characters are OOC, or Out of Characters, because I will be happy to do whatever I need to change it. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this! I'm slightly tired and dizzy, so I'm sorry if the One-Shot is bad ;w; but I tried! Word count: 1400

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