10. Grandparents shock and determination

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Molly sat and removed the hair from Joel's forehead gently. With a small sad smile. Mr King swore to himself to get Joel treated and healed.

After tea ,Molly had actually tired herself out with worry ,and had fallen asleep near Joel ,in a seated manner. He placed her gently on the bed near Joel and careful not to press his grandchild in her tummy. He rubbed her flat abdomen with a small sad smile", Don't worry little one. Grandpa will make sure your dad is okay." then he left after kissing both Molly and Joel's forehead.

He and Logan set off after a while. Reaching her house ,he saw how beautiful it looked against the cold. With the river now frozen. It always baffles him ,how beautiful his daughter's house is. Opening the door ,with the key under given by Joel the day prior ,they entered. It was a beautiful mixture of western and Asian. His table made even more beautiful with the design of the house ,with shiny black wooden floors. It was beautiful. Finding the said satchet ,he opened it ,only to receive the shock of his life. Four bundles of 100 pounds notes coiled to make them seemingly smaller. Hundreds of them. Both he and Mr King were shocked. Just how rich is Joel Strauss. Infact what is he?

Gathering the clothes for those two was a bit challenging ,but since it was cold and winter they took warm clothes. Then closed and left. And upon reaching the house ,they tod Dariah of the money. She sighed ",it is as I said before . Joel must be a high ranking noble in his country. I think he ran away."she said. The others nodded.

",Then does he love Molly?". Logan asked. Mr King hurriedly answered ",Of course he does. He loves her. No matter his past ,his feelings for Molly are genuine and all I care about".

Logan nodded.

They bought a nice looking wagon ,but it was also black. Something told them Joel liked the color for furniture or wood. Molly continued to watch over him for two weeks. The doctor came and went. He still did not show signs of waking."I don't know anymore. My scoe f medicine ends right there. For further treatment ,I think we need to source out to other towns ". He suggested one day. Molly was distraught. Mr king thanked the doctor. The villagers heard what occurred and send their sympathy. The reverent also came and prayed for him.

The winter was thawing ,the waters melting when they realized ,they needed more help. Riding to town Dariah sent a letter to her parents,asking for a doctor to be sent,she will pay.

Meanwhile ,Louisa had been living a happy life ,she and her brother . By happy meaning being doted on by their grandparents. It was on a Saturday ,having luncheon t a letter arrived from the post. A maid brought it",A letter for you my lady". She said.

",From who?". Emily asked putting down the tea she was drinking and gripping the letter.

",From young miss". The maid said and retreated. Even though Dariah s older than her ,in their household she is the legitimate young miss.

",Your mother wrote to me". She said to Louisa and Devin who was looking out the window. Johan sat up to attention to look over.

",Read it aloud". Johan said sitting properly yet again. Emily tour it open and a 100 pound note fell. She was curious. She read

",Dear mother and father. I hope you are both well. I am sorry I didn't write sooner ,but I promise to visit. A calamity has befallen my family, molly's husband had an accident over a month ago and is still in a coma. We had a doctor look after him for over a month now ,but he has yet to waken. Please use that money to send one renowned doctor to my house. I will pay him more when he arrives. But he has to heal my son in law , I beg of him. For my daughter and grandchild's sake. Molly is pregnant and fragile. If Joel doesn't heal ,the doctor said she might follow. I can't lose my daughter ,grandchild r son in jaw or ttvmatter. Please help me,if not for me ,then for your grandchild's sake. Thank you . Yours respectfully Dariah King." she stopped reading . Her eyes wide. Everyone was shocked.

",She is pregnant!". Devin was aghast. "He is in a coma?". Asked Louisa in shock.

Emily stood up . "Where are you going ?". Asked Johan. She said seriously ",My daughter asked for help. I am going to help her. I am going to her house, whoever is not with me can stay here". Then she said to the maid ",Go and find out the best doctor in this city and ask for other doctors in other cities. Make it snappy". She commanded then proceeded to her room. The others also rushed out to pack as well.

Dariah was a bundle of nerves ,sitting by the kitchen . It has been three days since she sent the letter. Logan had gone to the post office again. No letter fom her parents. She was at with's end. Molly was also cracking under the pressure. She had lost weight and her healthy glow. She was now washed out ,pale with a red nose ,lips and eyes. Due to constant nibbling,crying and sniffling. She was still by her husband's side. Looking at her curling eye lashes.

Her husband was clearing the snow in the yard to create a path to walk on. The kids stayed out most of the time to avoid angering Molly. When Mr King heard a curious noise. Looking up , he saw a carriage . In fact it was two carriages that he was very familiar with . He knew that emblem. He stood transfixed like the self conscious young man he was in the past every time he met his in laws that belittled him. He was frozen. His green eyes wide ,but red due to crying for his daughter. Black eye shadow due to constant worrying and insomnia. He is a very emotional man. He was almost the same height as Dariah. Not that he was short ,but Dariah was a Stella six foot tall and he fell short by an inch. But when she wore heels ,well ,he'd rather not say. But bring considerate ,Dariah almost always wore flats ,and made sure she bought her husband an inch an a half boots ,so he can be at least an inch taller. He was an attractive man with blonde hair in waves ,cut close to his neck. His face sporting a five o'clock shadow. His nose aristocratic. He had such boyish features,that it was almost ridiculous to think he had a twenty year old child. But due to constant stress ,that's taken a toll a bit,with small wrinkles by the side of eyes. But God has been good to them. With food provided for ,they no longer toiled the entire under the sun, and he made sure they all ate nutritious food. He truly had a good son in law.

The carriages stood near his pathway in the snow. The footman and driver eyed the place in contempt.

Dariah stood up ,hearing noise. She went outside . Seeing the carriages her eyes welled up. Opening the doors before the footman could open ,Devin stepped out. His eyes side like his father. Followed by Louisa,both ran to their father ",Dad where is Molly?". Asked Devin.

",How is Joel?". Asked Louisa. But he had no words. He was frozen.

Emily looked at her husband's eyes. He nodded. They stood and climbed down. Johan first followed by Emily. They turned to see their son in law transfixed and shocked. Thee daughter equally shocked by the door way. Devin and Louisa stepped away from their father.

Mr King could do nothing. He was too shocked. Dariah ,seeing her mother . She came! He came! They came! Her eyes filling with tears. Feeling like a child once more.",Ma..." all her worries ,she has bottled up. Kept from her fragile sensitive husband were exposed. She she ran . Past her husband and kids . Barefoot in the snow. With just a dress ,though it's material was a bit thick. She reached them ,then stood. She was anxious to hug them but was afraid. She was clutching her dress like she used too when she was young. Looking down. Emily tipping the young woman's chin up and said ",Don't look down. The Armstrong's never bow". A simple statement. But to her ,it was home. She cried ",Mama..". Emily didn't let her finish Knut directly pulled her into her embrace. She cried her heart and worries out. Her father hugged her as well. She stood back and was rearing to wipe her tears with her hands or something ,when a handkerchief appeared Out of nowhere. ",Thank you".she said ,only to see her husband ,who had flushed cheeks. He said putting down ,her new snow boots. They were white made of fox fur. "Thank you".she said again,they were touched for his considerate heart and caring nature to Dariah . "No problem". He said his eyes down cast. He was a bit cowering behind her. His confidence had taken a huge hit back in the day. So he was now ,more or less a a man who had lost all integrity. But he said softly ",Mr and Mrs Armstrong ,greetings". He said .

Author's note




love you all, aurriccah

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