Steve stood. "FRIDAY could you help me find one?"

"Certainly Mr. Rogers," She replied.

FRIDAY gave him instructions and he ran off to find the piece of equipment. Everyone started chatting to one another, most were debating whether Loki could sing or not.

I turned to Loki. "What are you going to sing?"

"Well I visited Earth once before and fell in love with a particular song. I know all of the words. I used to preform it with magic though so I'm not sure if it will sound good," He admitted, twisting the hem of his shirt between his fingers.

I put a hand on his arm. "You'll do great."

He smiled. "We'll see, won't we?"

"I can't believe you didn't use a chicken," I told him. "I thought you'd be too nervous to preform in front of others."

"Singing is the one thing I'm comfortable with preforming. I focus on the melody rather than the people staring."

Steve burst into the room with a microphone and a stand cradled in his arms. "I found it!" He announced.

Tony stood and quickly set it up. "Okay, Reindeer Games, show us what you've got."

Loki gulped and stood. Everyone one else backed away from the microphone stand and sat in a small crowd rather than a circle.

(For this next part, I highly recommend you listen to the song that I put at the top of the chapter, its next to the picture. You can play it and then scroll back down here to listen to it while you read. I think it adds a lot more, plus it's one of my favorite songs. Beggin by Madcon.)

Loki tapped the mic, making sure it was on. Once he had confirmed that everyone heard his soft taps, he took a shaky breath and looked at me. I held up a thumbs up and gave him an encouraging smile.

He took another deep breath and started humming into the mic. When he started singing, there wasn't any music for a few moments. Loki looked panicked. I saw little green sparks fly from his fingers, his face was pure concentration. The music kicked in and everyone's mouths dropped. Loki even gasped a little, clearly shocked that his magic worked. The beat was fast and energetic, and so was Loki. He had no trouble keeping up and to say that he sounded great was an understatement.

"Beggin' Beggin' you~ Put your loving hand out baby~"

No one expected him to sound this amazing. It sounded smooth and rustic at the same time. He clearly knew this song inside and out. I nodded along to the music, thoroughly enjoying his performance. He was pouring his heart and soul into this song.

"Rotten heart~ When I was king!~"

The lyrics seemed to vaguely match his life too, maybe that's why he liked this song so much. I smiled, noticing how happy Loki seemed while preforming.

His image shimmered and a clone of him joined in, perfecting the rapping portion. Loki added in a few words while his clone rapped, just to add that much more charisma. Loki started grinning as he sang, clearly relieved and happy that his magic wasn't gone after all.

"Beggin' Beggin' you~ Put your loving hand out baby~"

Loki's clone watched for a few moments as Loki finished a few lines of the song. When it was his turn he sang, then twirled around to the other side, touching Loki's shoulders as he went, while Loki finished. The clone jumped right back in when it was his turn. They were creating a moving scene, and it made it all the more interesting and entertaining to watch.

"Won't even stand the devil's chance to win my soul~"

The clone started rapping again and Loki tapped his foot to the beat, keeping rhythm so he knew exactly when to chime in. Everyone was watching intently, shocked that he could actually sing. The clone and Loki continued the song, harmonizing and singing beautifully. There was a small instrumental break and they picked the song up again.

"Beggin' Beggin you~ Put your loving hand out baby~"

I couldn't help feeling slightly flustered. The lyrics combined with both of Loki's gazes fixed on me. An absurd thought crossed my mind. Were they singing to me? The chorus started repeating and I knew that it would be over soon. The clone clapped and stomped to the ending beat, and then vanished.

Nobody knew how to react, they were all in shock with their mouths dangling open. Natasha, Vision, and I were the only one's who were functional. We all immediately started clapping and cheering loudly. Everyone else seemed to be yanked out of their stupor and they started applauding wildly too. Loki clearly didn't expect to be met with such enthusiasm, he looked shocked.

I jumped up and tackled him. He just barely caught his balance. "That was amazing!"

Vision stood nearby. "It was certainly unexpected."

Loki grinned and I released him. Everyone started migrating back towards the Truth or Dare spots. We picked up the game where we had left off.

Hidden in Plain Sight // A Spiderfrost FanficWhere stories live. Discover now