I laughed. "Don't worry, we'll explain. Let's get into a proper circle first."

Everyone sat on the floor.

"Alright so Truth or Dare is a game typically played at sleepovers," Natasha started explaining.

"I've been to one of those," Loki announced proudly. "Peter gave me gummy bears."

He shrank back when he saw that everyone was staring at him. I slung an arm around his shoulders, drawing all the attention to myself.

I nodded. "Those were some good gummy bears. Anyway, to play, someone starts by asking another player 'Truth or Dare?' If you choose truth, the person has to ask you a question that you have to answer honestly. If you choose dare, then the person can dare you to do something. You have three chickens, three chances to get out of a truth or dare. Once you use them all, you have to do everything and you can't back out. Understand?"

"So for dare, the person can ask you to do anything?" Vision asked.

I nodded. "Yep. As long as it doesn't harm the player."

"Who wants to go first?" Steve asked.

"I will," Wanda volunteered. "Tony, truth or dare?"


"When was the last time you last slept?"

Tony rolled his eyes. "I dozed off during the movie for about twenty minutes. If you meant a full nights sleep, then about three weeks."

"What?!" Everyone exclaimed at once. Steve, who was sitting the closest to Tony, punched him in the shoulder.

"You need to sleep more, dumbass!" Clint scolded.

"Language!" Steve said.

"Ow! Okay okay! I'm sorry," Tony apologized, rubbing his shoulder. "Thor, truth or dare?"

"Truth," He exclaimed.

Tony smirked. "What is your most embarrassing memory?"

Loki stifled his laughter and Thor glared at him. Apparently Loki already knew what it was. Loki glanced at me and smirked.

"My most embarrassing moment was when.." Thor mumbled the last part and even I couldn't catch it.

"Speak louder, brother. I'm sure everyone would love to hear this story," Loki mocked.

"I tried to stop a bleeding wound with a tampon!" Thor shouted. "Loki walked in and took a picture. He showed everyone and I was a laughing stock for months."

Loki burst into laughter, and eventually everyone else started laughing too as the ridiculous idea set in.

Thor gruffly asked, "Loki, truth or dare?" After the laughter subsided.

"Truth," He replied.

"What is a secret talent that you have not shown anyone?"

Loki froze and then chuckled to himself. "I used to sing from time to time. I'm not any good though."

"You can sing-?" Tony started to ask.

"Loki I dare you to sing for us," I interrupted. I had to hear him if it was the last thing I did.

He opened and closed his mouth, studying my determined gaze. "Is that allowed? I don't think that's a part of the rules."

"It is," I assured him. "I just forgot to mention it."

Natasha nodded. "I can confirm. It is allowed."

I grinned at her over my shoulder.

"I guess I have a song in mind," He muttered. "I need a microphone though."

Hidden in Plain Sight // A Spiderfrost FanficWhere stories live. Discover now