Cuddles with sappy and dweam

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Omg baby are you okay clays girl ran over to clay
Clay: I'm fine just leave me alone please I need to be alone
Leah: okay see you at lunch so ask sir for a break
Clay went up to the pe teacher to see if he could sit out and surprisingly the teacher let him clay ran to the changing rooms to get dressed and wanted to go over and see what George was up to he grabbed goeges phone out of his pocket and remembered his password for his phone after he was on he decided to go to his Snapchat memory to see if there's anything he was missing out on.

He swiped up and saw loads of pictures of sap and George together in bed loads with doggy filters and weird filters then I heard the changing room door open so I quickly put his phone back and made it look like I dropped something when I looked up I saw sapnap staring at me I just looked down

(Sapnap POV)

After I saw clay went into the changing room I knew we was up to something and wanted to go see so I asked the sport teacher if I could get a drink obs he would let me because I was his favourite I exited the doors and went to the changing room as I enter I saw clay panic and put something in George's pocket and pretend to get something off the floor clay wasn't so grate at lying

What the hell are you doing? I saw you put something in George's pocket! You rather tell me or I'm telling George!! Sapnap shouted at clay for the first time in ages

Clay flinched at Sapnap walked towards him and slapped clay in the face

Fine I was just looking on his phone to see what you and him have been up to that's all I promise clay said trying to hold back the tears

We haven't been doing anything apart from when you left and then the next day when he was crying because you broke him

What happened when I left?

That's non of your business clay

Sapnap what happened?

Ugh me and gogy had fun ok we touched each other okay see non of your business why are you acting like this? Sapnap walked closer again
Clay started to panic
It's nothing, I'm nothing, nothing is wrong, it's not my fault, just go pandas
Sapnap got shocked for a second the only time clay called Sapnap pandas is when something was deeply wrong or if he was having a panic attack.
Clay you okay?
YaH I'm fine just leave!
No I'm not leaving clay why are you acting like this, this isent you bro

Leah made me do it
Leah made me do it
Leah made me do it
Leah made me do it

Clay calm down please Leah made you do what exactly?!?!?


clay what say that again please? But a lot calmer and quieter

Clay fell to the floor and layed on the cold floor with his back against the wall Sapnap sat down opposite him looking at him

Leah has a video of George when he freaked out while having sex with another guy well he didn't insert it but it was close and one of the guys friends recorded it and George was crying in the corner with people around him and then and then and then a guy came in and beat the boy up if i stop talking to George it won't let leaked and I can't talk to you and it hurts it hurts sappy

Om~g clay come here baby it's okay let it all out it's okay clay

Clay put his head in sapnaps lap while Sapnap strokes the dirty blondes hair the way it goes over this eyes. Clay was still sobbing it was only 20 mins of the lesson left so Sapnap had to stop him from crying

Hey clay look at me
Clay got up and looked at sapnaps eyes
You need to stop crying there's 20 mins of the lesson left and they will be a coming back in 10 mins what can I do to help

Clay pulled in Sapnaps hoodie


Clay nods


Clay nods


Clay nods with puppy dog eyes


Sapnap takes off his hoodie and clay puts it on and giggles

(Clays POV)

I went back over to my stuff with a smile on my face everyone came rushing back in George was first in and ran over to sapnap
Heyyy sappy George jumped on sapnaps back
Hey Georgie want to come to my place tonight Mabye watch a movie or something

Yay sure George took of his shirt and looked at sapnap with a Smirk

You little bitch

What's up sappy

You know what's up don't ask stupid Georgie

Ohhhh right you think I'm hot must of forgot

Yes you are hot now but on a shirt I don't want these other boys staring at what's mine

Ok sure your forgetting I'm clays as well even tho we don't talk

Ok ok I know come on your distracting

Everyone got dressed and sapnap looked over at clay with the classic hoodie over his lap everyone left the the changing room

Hey George I left my hoodie in the changing room I'll be right back just wait for me in the lunch all be right back Georgie

Sapnap went back to the changing room

(Clays POV)

After everyone left the changing rooms I had to deal with my problem so I went behind some lockers and pulled down my shorts I grabbed my member and started to pump it up and down while thinking of George and sapnap I was about to cum but I heard the door open

1003 words🏳️‍🌈hope you enjoy go get some water and eat lol byeeeee 💙💚🧡

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