just Shy gogy and sappy

401 12 2

--------kinky shit at the end------ Oh this is gonna be interesting clay said yup it sure will about 25 mins go by and we finally arrive at George's dad George jumped out and ran to the door before everyone else clay and sapnap chased up to George and George ran up to his room BYE DAD George shouted and ran to bed sapnap and clay was not far behind when George got to his room he opened it and chucked something under the bed Georgie what was that clay said as he got on his knees and looked under his bed awwww Georgie what's this clay pulled out a human sized teddy bear George buried his head in to his Pillow stop being mean dreamy.

sapnap went up to George what's his name Gogy sapnap asked it's Oscar George said why do you have Oscar dream question as he lays behind George make room for me then sapnap was very jealous so George moved to on top of clay come on sappy George said sapnap layed down and George moved to on top of them both so George why do you have him George got up and sat directly on sapnaps lap GOGY go to clay not meee I don't want to be hard right now George giggled as he moved to clay

I got him because I get Lonely and erm well I do stuff so I wouldn't touch it oooooo Georgie is dirty I like it sapnap said shut up sapnap george said as he put his head back down so goeorge what kind of stuff do you do to the bear clay asked you know what stuff george said clay giggled and got up to look arround georges room.

sapnap and george was left on the bed while clay looked about george sapnap whisperd into georges ear what is it can i have cuddles sapnap asked with a baby voice sure come here then george said clay was to distracted by georges room looking at all of his books and posters on the wall gogy sapnap said with a shy voice only loud enough for george to here what is it now sapnap. never mind sapnap was scared to ask because of georges tone of voice nononon sappy what is it i dident mean to raise my voice come on tell me please sapnap shook his head

clay got a phone call "guys can i take this real quick ill be like 10 mim" sure go ahead george said

sappy baby what is it

*georges mind* oh no did i really just call him baby what if he hates me now fuckkkkk

did gogy just call me baby sapnap said out loud "oh he speaks now" og shut up "so what is it that you wanted to ask me before i got yaknow" well it was about erm well erm "come on sappy spit it out" ca-n can i erm you know what never mind "sapnap baby what is it"

clay came back "hey george im sorry but i got to go someone needs my help with something im so sorry. clay calm down its okay ill show you out sappy are you staying of corse i am kitten clay got supper jelouse of the nick name and how close they were but he had to leave or something bad might happen monday "earth to clay are you there" yeah ok im going

george and sapnap made there way to the door and george said goodbye but clay asked george if he could have a kiss george dident know why but clay did. yeah sure hang on george closed the door a little and gave clay a kiss goodbye.

george made his way up the stairs and enterd his room so sappy its just me and you "yup" so what was you going to say well erm george you know this morning you and clay were talking about stuff that i dont know about but i saw what you was doing "sapnap how did that make you feel" well erm i was kinda sad on how you dident inclode me but its okay and erm well how come you like clay more " sappy i like you both the same" how come clay got to touch your boner and i dident "sappy look at me are you jelouse of what clay did" all sapnap did was nod "oh sappy come here" george layed with sapnap and ended up falling asleep for 2 hours or so until alfie came running in dinners down goorgeee and nappy geoge got of sapnap

ill be down soon go down stairs "okay"

SAPNAP DINNERS READY george shouted in sapnaps ear sapnap woke up and was still very tired "okay ill go down staris and bring food up

after getting the food george went back up stairs thank you gogy sapnap said its okay sappy

after eating sapnap looked up at george and george was very fustrated with something whats wrong kitten "if i tell you will you laugh" no i wont "im horny and i dont know what to do "so youe sexualy fustrated ok then well what can i do as your play toy isent here" hes not my play toy and can you touch me under the covers please i will be only quick its okay if you dont want to i unerstand "of course george come here

(lets pretend its like 2am)

the got under the covers and george just sat there "gogy are you okay with this" sapnap pressed his palm aganced georges clothed cruch george just nods and starts to remove his pants leaving him in this boxers and shirt "can you do the same to me" yeah whats the best way to do this " well we could tuen the light of and get under the covers and slowly touch each other "yeah thats a great idea george got up and sapnap removed his pants leaving him in his hoodie and boxers sapnap i cant see come here sapnap grabed georges arm and lead him to the bed you ready george sapnap asked yeah george replied


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