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I was dragged by my arm by clay as we stormed to our lesson tubbo was there with sapnap and bad and another person I think I'm not really good with names clay comes down to my level and whispered into my ear
That's Tommy btw
I nod slightly
TUBBO let the bee free "no he's my friend" omg tubbo dream tell him
Dream? I question to myself
Tubbo you can keep the bee just don't put it near me
no he can't keep it sapnap yelled
Tubbo too late I already named him buzzy
Omg sapnap Sighed
Clay walked over to sapnap and hugged  him from behind calm down sappy
Sapnap calmed down straight away it was like there together to something it was so cute clay was tall and toward over him resting his head on his sapnap head the bell went and we went in
Oh yeah I forgot this is maths here's your timetable clay passed me back my timetable and I accidentally brushed my fingers against his as I grabbed it out of his hand thank got I was wearing a Covid mask because I was blushing so much as few minutes go by and the teacher showed up
Oh hey George take a seat next to clay at the back to the right
Oh god I walk over to the back and sit next to clay
I'm sorry I should have told you my real name is clay but people call me dream if they like want something or they do it for fun
I giggle okay dreamy clay looked away and tried to hide his giggles and blush I could definitely tell he was blushing Oh god I really am falling for this boy I looked down at the paper work that the teacher gave us it was pretty easy I answers all the questions and sat there looking out at the window
"George.....George....GEORGE the teacher yelled"
Yeah what sorry sir I wasn't paying attention
"Have you done your work"
Yeah here I pass him the paper as everyone looks at me I began to crawl down my chair
"Well done George now wait for the class to finish and we can move on" everyone goes back to doing the sheet clay looks over at me
Can we study after school today I'm really struggling how are you already done I've only done 5 questions out of 15
Okay come to my place at 5 after school I suggested
Okay can we go to my place first so I can get dressed into better clothes and get my books
Sure I'll ask my mum to pick me up at 5 because I like live 20 mins away
Clay seemed excited I mean I was too I text my mum under the table

Mum can you pick me up at 5 because I met this really nice boy and he wants to study after school please don't be weird

"Sure honey text me his address"

Clay I whispered over can you text my mum your address please so she can pick us up yeah sure pass it here he said quietly I passed my phone over and he was texting my mum his address
meanwhile my mum text at the same time as clay sent his address

George: 14 dove road
Mum: Is he hot 🥵

Clay laughed and I was confused he passed me back my phone and I saw the address and then my mums message seconds after omg NO why why why my hands were shaking I text my mum back quickly

George: mum i didn't have my phone when clay text his address he say that message you sent MUM it's so awkward WHY would you do that BYE

MUM: I'm so sorry I'll make it up to you I promise honey

I closed my phone still shaking I tapped my foot and clay looked at me oh no this is so awkward someone take me out off lessons like now clay can't know I'm gay I'm not ready to open up
"I don't care if your mum asked that question she probably thought I was a girl clay whispered"
Yeah I'm sorry she likes to think I have loads of girl-friends
"What did you text back"
Just erm said he was a boy not a girl
"Ahh okay well 3 2 1"
The bell rings
You timed that
Yeah its pretty easy when you hate some lessons come on I'll show you to the lunch hall
Clay went over to sapnap grabbing his hips and tickling him
Omg clay stop sapnap giggles
Okay okay come on George this way
I follow behind clay notice I was a little behind and grabbed my shoulder and put me in between him and sapnap so do you like the school sapnap asked
Yeah I mean it's kinda confusing and all the same
Yeah the first time me and clay was here we didn't know where we where for 2 weeks straight it was funny but you have us to guide you.
I looked at sapnap and nodded I noticed he had a rainbow bracelet meaning he was rather gay or he supported it Maybe clay and sapnap was together Or they are just close friends this was all confusing I look up and saw we went into the lunch hall we sat down on these tall chairs and I struggled getting up all of a sudden I hear tubbo sniffing he came over to us HE DIed he held up the bee
I did tell you tubbo sapnap raised his eyes down at him tubbo had tears in his eyes
Aww come here clay says as he have a massive bear hug tubbo sat there staring at the bee
Omg it moved his wing tubbo said exited clay jumped and ran behind me did he let it out of the bag clay hid under the table
Yeah he did I laughed
Tubbo you know clay is scared of bees can you please go over to Tommy and he will help you recover your buzzy
Tubbo put the bee in the bag and skipped off

1036 words hope you guys liked this if there is any suggestions then pls comment them 😊 bye guysss new chapter tomorrow

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