Its all about you CLAY

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What do you mean you have a video clay snapped

Aww clay poo don't worry I won't leak it unless you don't break up with me and don't leave me ever here look at this


(Clays mind) why am I watching this, this isn't right I hate seeing George cry he's not clothed and everyone is laughing

Oh and look at this there's this guy that comes in and punches the shit out of Alfie(the guy who was going out with George) do you know who that is

No I don't sorry but why was it filmed "why do you care he's a rat he doesn't deserve a life

Yeah true clay laughs anyway what do you want to do baby "anything you want to do"

clay and Leah watched movies all night and then it was morning and Leah and clay layed in bed practically naked until George text clay

George: hey clay where did you go I miss you

Clay: I'm sorry can't talk rn George I'm busy

George: oh that okay

Clay: *one attachment*

Sapnap and George's POV

Sapnap and George were cuddled on the bed it was 5:45pm and sapnap had to go at 6:30pm after George saw the attachment he put his phone down and curled up in a ball not saying anything to Sapnap he stated to cry gogy what's wrong Sapnap crawled his way to George

l-ook George got his phone and showed sapnap

Sapnap POV

After i saw the photo of clay and Leah cuddling naked with the text *he's my boy look how cute he is* that fucking dumb dirty blood tall stick is gonna get a kick in the balls tomorrow you watch hey Georgie it's okay clay is just clay I will sort him out tomorrow George nodded slowly and grab sapnap but the hoodie and snuggled into him

(Time skip)

Alright bye George see you tomorrow
Bye sappy nappy George and Sapnap hugged and George went back to bed and fell asleep but for Sapnap he went home and set all of his alarms for 6:00am so he can walk to George's in the morning and wake him up he set all of his school stuff down and went to bed


Sapnap woke up dead on 6:00am he rushed and got his cloths on and made himself some lunch and rushed out the door BYE MUM BYE DAD he was out of the door by 6:20Am he ran to George's for that wasn't that far it was at the door at 6:45 even though everyone will be asleep he quietly knocked by suppressing George's mum answers

Hey Sapnap George isent awake at the moment but you can go wake him up why are you so early

Well erm stuff happened last night with clay and George got upset over it and I'm worried for him and I'm excited to kick clay in the balls

George's mum laughed you go do that I would love to watch but I'll be at work go wake George up for me please

Okay sure

Sapnap walked up to George's door to hear little snoring awwww Sapnap thought he walked in and and turned on his light and walked over to the bed of gogy wake up

George groans and turned around


Sapnap what are you doing here so early come here pandas I want huggies
Ahhh your morning voice is sooo cute I'm coming only for 5 mins though then your getting up okay

Okay Sapnap I get it now huggies now

Sapnap crawled onto George as he wraps his arms around Sapnap and squeezed him

(5 mins)

Come on George let's go

Sapnap got up and dragged George down by his feet come on George get dressed I'll be down stairs

George got dressed and went down stairs then got in the car with his mum and sapnap

You ready honey

Yeah come on sappy George and sapnap got out of the car and immediately spotted clay they both glared at him and all he did was laugh and look back to his girlfriend

Come on George let's just get to class
George and sapnap walk to three lockers and got there books lucky there's lockers we're together along with clays but as Soon as clay walked to his looker

Hey geor-

Clay was cut of by both boys slamming there lookers and waking away. Ignore him he deserves it Sapnap said as he put his arm over George's shoulder they got into science and sat down

Clay and Leah walk in holding hands and all George did was look down at his book and trying to ignore clays giggles to everything he says after class finished it was sports next and it was dodgeball they all walked into the changing rooms and Sapnap and George went over to the corner where no one went George took of his top and put on his pe top then he put on his joggers and so did Sapnap

You look hot with no top on Sapnap whispers into George's ear while looking clay in the eyes George noticed this and grabbed sapnaps hips and whispers back "I know your trying to make him jealous and you can't say much your self" after they got changed they walked out into the hall and saw it set up

Teacher: right today the girls will be Joining us today we need 2 team captains clay and Sapnap come stand here Sapnap you pick first George Sapnap says clay sighs In sadness Leah clay said

(Skip everyone picks)

They get on opposite sides and clay eyes up George and runs after ball and attempt to hit him but Sapnap threw a ball and hit him right in the dick yessss Sapnap good one George said as he jumped on sapnaps back while clay crouched down holding his dick ow ow ow is all clay could said

1011 words hope you enjoy it comments any suggestions I should add byeeee byeee 💙💚

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