Crush on sapnap and gogy

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I won't be writing in details smutt it will only be cute and soft smutt I know I'm bad at writing it's my first book any enjoy 🏳️‍🌈

Cute smut George's POV

It's okay dreamy poo look at me please
Clay slowly turned around and looked at sapnap then at George sapnap I'm sorry clay said sinking into his lime green hoodie it's okay sapnap said as he got out of bed and walked to the other side of the bed and was about to get into bed next to clay but was stoped when George's mum walked in
Hey kids sorry to bother you but George you need to get up early your going to your dads for tomorrow night with Alfie she said fast.

Can my friends stay at dads you know I don't like being there alone George said out of shyness clay noticed him shiver down and griped the bed sheets but he didn't know it was clays thigh under it yeah sure hun his mum said and walked out goodnight miss Davidson sapnap said goodnight sap, clay, and George night mum George said.

George turned around and looked at sapnap and then to clay can you guys stay tomorrow at my dads with me please

Yeah sure sapnap said and then clay said sure why you standing up it's very distracting George said with a giggle at the end. Well sapnap said as he climbed onto the bed onto clays lap lucky the cover was there to block out his half hard member
Whaaa hat- what you doing clay stutters
Well I came to say I like you to anddd well erm I like George too sapnap then stated to tear up and pawed at his hoodie I like you to sapnap clay said as he pulled him self up to hug sapnap, sapnap stated to cry into clays shoulder George on the other hand was confused but adored the two in front of him ( in this story sapnap is soft and sensitive )

George sapnap said with a soft but muffled tone mm george looked into sapnaps tearing eyes what do you think about all this like us liking you sapnap questions George. Well does this answer your question George got up and separated clay and sap as he sat on clays lap facing sapnap so George's ass was directly on top of clays boner he grinds off clay so he is on his knees in front of sapnap as he pressed his soft lips against sapnaps

Sapnaps POV

George got up Slid his slim waist infront of me and sitting on clays lap I noticed clays shocked impression and he went really red George got on his knees grinding off clays now fully hard member in front of me as he kissed me his lips was soft and smooth he sat back down onto clay and that's when George noticed clay boner

George's POV

After I kissed sapnap I sat back down but now felt something really hard Clay why you so hard George said bluntly well you see when you got two extremely hot boys infront of you who one is sat on my dick it's a bit difficult to keep it down
They all laughed until sapnap said that's he's tired

Let's all go to bed then George suggests well it's a bit hard with a boner but I'll try clay said

They all climbed into bed with George in the middle dream facing the wall sapnap facing George and George looking at the window on the roof( i dont know what it's called) after clay fell asleep George tuned his head to find sapnap looking at the same widow with rain drops George turns his body and put his arms around sapnaps waist and cuddled into him he pretended to be asleep

gogy i know you not asleep sapnap whisperd into his ear well lets pretend i am george replied okay then george then looked up at sapnap and stared into his eyes.

can i kiss you sapnap asked yeah george said thats all sapnap needed then he put one of his hand on georges jaw line as he lifted up his head and kissed him slighting on lips then pulled away because george wasent kissing back what did i do did i do something wrong gogy

no no your just a really good kisser george said as he leaned back it would be better if you kissed back and help me out a bit ahahh sapnap replied with that george got up ontop of sapnaps lap and kissed him but it woke clay up

how come sappy gets kisses but i dont im clearly your fav boy right clay said with a sad face come here then he layed back down and gave clay a kiss. how come he gets a full makeout and i dont clay said still with a sad face tomorrow ill give you a very long kisses all morning im just tired at the moment okay goodnight gogs

night guys


george woke up first and decided to go down stairs and make hot coco for all 3 of them but of course alfie came down and wanted one so george made 4 he gave alfie his and began to walk up staris with the boys coco he opened the door and put it on his night stand he decided to wake the moody one uo first of course it was clay he wasnt really a morning person.


what do you want george clay said in his very deep morning voice I MaDe you hot coco here george handed him his hot coco thank you but before sapnap wake up can i have my long kisses

yesss okay then

🏳️‍🌈hope you guys enjoyed this remember to go out side and drink some water and look at grass sorry for spelling mistakes I love you guys byeeeeee 1000 words (woah) Lol bye 🏳️‍🌈

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