Chapter Eleven

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"Where are we going?" I asked my mates as each of them held one of my hands in theirs, leading me through the hallways of the castle. It was a sunny day in Volterra and I couldn't wait to go outside and enjoy the sunlight. Heidi had helped me pick out this quite, blue summer dress with matching flat shoes for the day. She even put my long, brown locks in a high ponytail and decorated my face with a small amount of make-up. I swear that woman loved to dress up people. But I couldn't complain. As a matter of fact, I knew that she was shopping for me right now. Dora had given her instructions to do so once I had made it known I was going to stay with them. My wardrobe was awfully empty and in need of a filling. When I walked out of my room and into the shared living quarters with my mates I had found them waiting for me, snuggling together his arms protectively around her small waist. Dora was wearing a red summer dress, hugging her curves perfectly while her long blonde locks where half up in a bun while the rest fell over her shoulders in natural waves. Her dress was slightly low cut and her Volturi crest laid perfectly on top of it. She was wearing red flats to finish off her look, yet even without her wearing heels she still was taller than I was. Caius on the other hand had switched his usual dress pants for a pair of black skinny jeans, still wearing a form of dress shoes though. He also still wore a white dress shirt but the sleeves where rolled up showing off his musculair arms (with the veins very present might I add) and the first two buttons where open. His Volturi crest also laying on his bare skin.
When their eyes landed on my small frame their faces lit up even further and they quickly approached me.
"You look beautiful my love." Dora had said as she grabbed my hand and gently spun me around, making me show my entire outfit, a small giggle escaping my lips. Caius took my other hand in his before dragging me along.

Soon enough I found myself in the most beautiful garden I had ever seen. I slowly stepped out of the shadows, letting go of the hands of my mates, and into the sun, the warmth of the rays hitting my bare skin immediately. My feet slowly made their way over the vibrant green grass towards the marble fountain in the middle of it. Flowers in the most vibrant colours accompanied the vibrant colour of the grass while a small circle of cobble stone surrounded the fountain, the only stones visible in this tiny piece of paradise. On the side, near a beautiful, old Oaktree lay a blanket with a basket on top.
I chuckled softly and turned around to look at my mates, only for my heartbeat to stop for a moment. Both had stepped into the sunlight as well, the sunrays hitting their pale skin fully. They had looked beautiful before, but now in the sunlight, they looked like a creature so perfect it was hard to believe it actually exists. Their skin shone brightly, almost like they were made out of a million small diamonds. They quickly approached me and Dora giggled softly. Her finger moved to under my chin and gently closed my mouth.
"You might catch a fly, my love." She said as she gently grabbed my hand, leading me towards the blanket. Caius followed us and sat down on it, quickly tossing his shoes to the side. Dora gently pushed me down beside him and kneeled down. She gently placed her hand on my calf and slowly raised my leg up while Caius wrapped an arm around my waist, gently pulling me against his chest while watching his wife intensely. Dora gently removed my shoes one by one, enjoying the feeling of my bare legs against her skin. A blush crept over my cheeks and I could feel my heartrate increase. With a playful smirk she removed her own shoes and quickly took her spot on my other side.
"I hope you are hungry, amore. We were not sure what you liked so we asked the chef to make some different things." Caius said as he grabbed the basket and opened it. It was way too much food for one person. The basket was filled with fruits such as strawberries and grapes, chocolate, and hearty food such as small sandwiches and wraps. All with the freshest ingredients local to this country. And finally there were four wine bottles next to the basket.
"I sure am." I said eyeing the food. Caius smiled and handed both Dora and I a wine glass.
"Bianco o rosso, amore?" he asked me.
"Bianco, per favore." I replied without thinking about the language he just spoke.
"You speak Italian?" Dora asked, seemingly impressed. I blushed.
"A bit. I took some classes back in high school." I said sheepishly.
"So you could understand us the entire time?" she asked again, a small smirk around her lips. I simply nodded and before I knew it I was gently tackled to the ground, a small squeal escaping my lips, and she was on top of me.
"Oh you little minx." She said making me giggle. I gently wrapped my arms around her waist looking into her eyes. Her smirk softened and she gently leaned down, pressing a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled into the kiss and gently caressed her back, loving the feeling of her close to me. She soon pulled away and helped me sit up again. Caius soon gave me a glass of white wine and I thanked him by gently kissing his lips. But I soon figured out Caius wasn't usually the type for anything too simple. When I was about to pull away he gently pulled me closer and held onto my lips for a moment longer, savouring it. He slowly pulled away and pressed a small kiss on my nose, making me giggle softly. Caius handed Dora a glass filled with a red liquid, too thick to be wine. Blood I guessed.
"Grazie, mio ​​guerriero." She said before also kissing him. And just as he had done with me, he pulled her closer, not letting her escape his grip. The thing that surprised me was the lack of jealousy I felt. I only felt content seeing my two mates loving each other as well. It made me happy seeing them happy. They broke apart and they both looked at me, smiles of contentment on their faces. Caius poured himself a wineglass of blood and wrapped his arm back around my waist. Dora did the same and soon we simply started talking and them feeding me the different little snacks.
"May I have another strawberry, Caius?" I asked. We had been here for a few hours and the sun still shone it's warm rays on us. I was now leaning against Caius' chest while Dora had laid her head down on my lap, her long hair draped behind her. I occasionally brushed my fingers through her locks, fascinated by how soft it was.
"Of course my love." He said as he grabbed the strawberry from the basket. I opened my mouth gently for him to place it between my teeth, but instead he gently moved my face towards him. A playful smirk found its way around my lips as I saw he held the piece of fruit between his own teeth. I slowly leaned forward and gently took the fruit form his mouth, brushing lips against his before biting down. The sweetness of the berry filling my mouth and after swallowing I pressed my lips against his more firmly, savouring the taste of the fruit on his lips. I slowly pulled away and let out a small sigh.
"Anything the matter, my love?" Dora asked as she looked up at me. A small blush painted my cheeks as I gently played with her hair, trying to buy myself some time. Caius looked at me concerned and he gently massaged my neck, trying to calm me down.
"Is it weird that, even though we met two days ago, I.... That I love you two already?" I mumbled softly. I looked down at my hand that was gently tangled in blond hair, not daring to look at either of them. Maybe I had overstepped some boundary. Maybe this was too soon. Something in my head screamed that it was too soon to tell if I loved them. But my heart knew. I loved them. But my worries quickly melted away as Caius captured my lips with his own. His kiss almost felt desperate in a way. As if he wanted to pour all his feelings for me in this one kiss. Dora had gotten off of my lap and instead straddled it now, he face deeply buried in my neck and hair. Her fingers gently releasing my brown locks from the grip of the ponytail and her fingers combed through them. Caius moved his lips towards my neck as well and both their lips left small kisses upwards.
"Ti amo tanto anch'io." They both whispered in my ear. They wrapped their arms tightly around me and one another while purrs escaped their chests.

Caius and Athenodora could not have been happier than in that moment. Their mate had not only accepted them, but she had told them she loved them. They wouldn't have to hide, or be scared their affections might scare the human girl away. They not only purred in content that their mate was near, but also to reciprocate her love.

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