Chapter Two

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I was back in Edinburgh, the place where I study, the place I fled to when I was 18 years old. I was currently studying for my bachelor degree in Biology, as my mum had wanted to do. That was the only thing she passed down on me, apart from her brown hair and doe like eyes.
I sighed and took a sip of my tea, I was currently sitting in the library reading about the subject of my next test: blood cells.
That was when I first felt his stare, I looked up and was met with a pair of familiar golden eyes. My entire body froze and so did he it seemed. Only one name ran through my mind, the name that written on the back of the picture I held close to me at any times.
Edward Cullen... Edward bloody Cullen. But not aged, like he should have been, I mean the picture of him I had was taken back in 2005, no he looked exactly the same. Like he didn't age past the age of 17. How in the bloody hell was that even possible?
Edward looked at me with almost the same shocked expression I figured was plastered all over my face. His golden eyes quickly flashed towards my neck, where the necklace with the crest was resting and before I knew it, he had packed all his stuff and he was gone. I watched him walk away, still frozen in my spot. I shook my head and quickly grabbed my things, intending to follow him, make sure it wasn't my imagination from studying for the past three hours. I quickly got up and tried to find the bronze hairdo, but it seemed it disappeared, like a shadow. I shook my head and mentally face palmed myself. Of course I had just imagined it. Well, this seemed like the perfect sign to stop studying for the day and go back to my dorm for some well-deserved food... and a nice long nap.

I might need more naps than I thought I needed before. Throughout the month I kept seeing the man. It was like a phantom, a demon that was following me. Everywhere I looked, I saw the golden eyes, or at least I expected to see them.
"Okay this is it. This bullshit." I said as I woke up from a nightmare, seeing those bloody eyes again. "I will find out who he is, even if it kills me." I said and got up. I booted up my laptop and used google to try and find some information about this Edward Cullen. The only thing I could find was that an Edward Cullen had attended Forks High school around the same time as my mother, but he never graduated. But I could not find if he had graduated from any other high school. Strange. It almost seemed like he completely disappeared from the earth... along with the rest of his family too.

Those thoughts kept haunting me for another two weeks, that was until I spotted him once again. I gave him no time to flee and cornered him. His golden eyes shocked.
"Bella? Is that you?" he asked, praying almost.
"No, I am not. Who are you?" I asked him, my bambi eyes spitting pure fire, longing for the truth.
"Edward Platt." He said. I snorted.
"No you are not, Cullen." The boy seemed lost for words as a pixie girl came to his rescue.
"Hello Edward. Hello Xandria. How are you?" she asked me. I looked at her confused. "I am Alice. I am his sister. Perhaps we could take this conversation to a more appropriate location?" she asked politely. I bit my lip. I had no idea who, or better, what these people where. But I guess if I wanted answers I would need to follow them. Mum, I might visit you sooner than I thought. Keep my seat warm will ya?
And so I did what any other sane person would not do. I followed them.

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