Chapter Eight

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Athenodora's heart broke at the sight of her mate in tears. She quickly pulled Xandria in her arms and stroked her long, brown locks while a purring sound came from her chest. Caius wasted no time either. He quickly wrapped his arms around his human mate's waist and started to purr as well, trying to calm her down.
"Let it all out, amore. We got you." Caius purred in her ear before placing his lips gently against her shoulder, taking in her scent.

I had no idea why but the sounds the two vampires made calmed me down, lulled me in a slumber like state. I stayed like that for about an hour before I was completely calm again, the two vampires never leaving. The woman occasionally stroked my hair, letting my brown curls dance through her slender fingers. The man had only moved to lay on the bed as well, one of his arms rested around the woman's shoulders, pulling her closer to his chest while his other arm laid over my arm while his hand gently caressed my hand with his thumb. The purring sounds never ceasing.
"I will run a bath for you, amore. Caius?" The woman said as she gently turned me around and placed me on top of the male named Caius. I slowly sat up, feeling ashamed that I had let myself go in front of two strangers like that.
"N-no. That is alright. I apologise for my behaviour." I said while trying to stand up, planning to make my way towards the door.
"Nonsense Tesoro. It is understandable to react to news like that." Caius said as he gently held my hands in his cool ones. I looked at our hands, his hand significantly larger than mine before looking up into his eyes. His red eyes. Suddenly I realised what they were and I quickly pulled my hands away, getting up from the bed completely missing the hurt look that flashed through his eyes when I did.
"I should go. I have used up too much of your time and hospitality." I said as I quickly got off the bed and made my way towards the door. Caius was about to protest but Athenodora came from the bathroom, interrupting him.
"Nonsense, amore. However if that is what you wish we could bring you back to your hotel?" she asked as she approached us. That was when I realised that I had no hotel room or anywhere else to stay at. In a foreign bloody country. Just great.
"Yeah about that. You don't happen to have any recommendations for a hotel, do you?" I asked, trying to avoid their mesmerizing gazes as best as I could.
"Not at the moment. With the festival from yesterday I am sure everything will be booked. But-" a pair of fingers gently grabbed my chin, making me look up into the ruby red eyes that belonged to Caius. "you are free to stay here. This room is not occupied right now. And maybe tomorrow we can talk some more. I imagine you have a lot of questions." He said as his thumb gently caressed my chin.
I nodded my head and quickly broke our gaze, looking at Athenodora. She gave me a gentle smile and held her hand out to me.
"Come, bellisima. Your bath is ready." She said. I slowly put my hand in her cool one, noticing it was a perfect fit it seems and let her guide me towards the bathroom. A very luxurious bathroom might I add. It was huge. It had a large bathtub in the middle of it that could fit four people easily. A large shower was in the right corner with different showerheads and buttons and on the left was a toilet and the sink with a large mirror.
"I will let you bathe in peace. Please, do call for Caius or me when you need something. We will be nearby." Athenodora said. She slowly let go of my hand and raised hers to stroke my cheek gently. I gently pulled my head away and gave her a kind smile.
"Thank you." I said before turning towards the bath. I waited until I heard the door click in its lock before I started to undress. I gently let myself slide into the water. The warmth of it seemed to massage my tightened muscles and made my entire body relax. Realisation of how tired I was just hit me and my thoughts where racing through my mind. Everything that had happened today, what I have been told.
A soft knock could be heard after a while. The water was slowly cooling down but still pleasant.
"Xandria? May I come in?" Athenodora's sweet voiced travelled through the closed door.
"Ehm, sure." I said, sitting up slightly, my wet hair clinging onto my shoulders and neck. Athenodora walked in, making my breath get stuck in my throat. She was beautiful. She wore a simply, white nightgown made from satin that reached to her knees and a matching robe to finish off her clothing. Her long, blonde locks rested over her shoulders in lose yet neat curls. Any make up she had worn that day was completely washed away showing her natural beauty. A gentle smile formed around her plump lips as she made her way towards the sink. Opening a drawer she took out an expensive looking hairbrush. Turning around to look at me she gently raised a perfect eyebrow.
"May I have the pleasure?" she asked. My voice seemed to be stuck in my throat and I felt my head nod at her question which earned me a bright smile in return. She gently knelt down behind me.
"Did you wash it already, amore?" her cool breath hit the back of my neck making all the hairs stand up, but it wasn't fear I was feeling. I nodded my head again. "Good girl." She softly purred in my ear before drying my hair with a towel before brushing out any knots my hair contained.
"How are you feeling?" she asked after a while, breaking the silence filled with only the sound of hair being brushed.
"I am not sure." I told her honestly.
"Care to elaborate?"
"I feel angry because Edward Cullen turns out to be the reason my mother decided to take her own life, I am sad because she is dead yet at the same time I am relieved to know her suffering has ended. Does that make me weird?" I asked sheepishly. Athenodora laughed softly.
"No it doesn't my darling." Her mouth moved closer to my ear. "It makes you perfectly fine." She whispered. I shivered softly and a blush crept onto my cheeks. "But something surprises me nonetheless." She said as she pulled away, placing down the hairbrush on the edge of the bathtub. Her long and slender fingers gently pulling strands of hair together so the top part of my hair would become braided.
"Care to elaborate?" I asked in return, using her own words.
"I hear nothing of fear in your tone. Not afraid Caius or I will turn you into our little midnight snack?" she asked playfully as she finished the braid. That question completely startled me. I hadn't thought about that yet.
"I- you- eh." I stumbled not knowing what to say while trying to pull away. Athenodora chuckled and gently pulled me back. A small knock was once again heard from outside.
"Come in, my love." Athenodora answered. Caius walked in and I for a moment forgot all about my fear. He wore a maroon chamber robe with matching trousers yet his chest was completely bare . The robe had not been tied so I had a full view of his muscular upper body.
"Is everything alright here, mi amore, Bellisima?" he asked, his voice slightly concerned as his ruby eyes switched between Athenodora and I.
"We are doing fine, il mio guerriero. I was just teasing this bella donna for a moment." Athenodora said before gently kissing my shoulder. "We will leave you so you can settle in for the night. I left a nightgown on the sink. I hope it is to your liking. If you need anything Caius and I will be in the room to your left and right. Buonanotte, mio ​​bellissimo amore." She said before Caius and her returned to their chambers for the night. I sighed and got out of the tub once my heartrate and calmed down significally.
"Those two bloody vampires are going to be the death of me."

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