Chapter 35 ~ Formalities

Start from the beginning

I tried not to giggles as Ebbe ambled back to his feet, one hand making sure his daisies didn't fall off.

Looking up at him in amusement, I wondered how long he'd been sat out here. His skin was glowing from time spent under the sun, and I wasn't surprised to see he'd ditched his shirt at some point. There was an ease in his movements too and I was secretly happy beyond belief that I'd found him interacting with my closest family as though he'd always done so.

"What's wrong, princess? You're staring."

"Nothing, wolf of the wilds," I replied teasingly. "You look happy is all. If a wee bit sunburnt"

"I am happy, and probably a wee bit sunburnt," he mimicked, reaching out to open the door for me while I snorted at his attempt at a Scottish accent. "What did you need me for? Or did you just want me out of the sun?"

I rolled my eyes and lifted myself up so he knew this was serious. "Dad's coming down to speak to Braden. Before he does, we're going to officially ask my parents to accept you into the pack, and for their blessing to become mates one day."

His hand stiffened and I glanced at him warily, wishing I could read his thoughts. Blue eyes caught mine after another second of silence, and I was sad to see the flicker of uncertainty in his gaze.

"They won't say no, Ebbe," I promised confidently. "It's just a formality. One we haven't offered Jakkon, I've practically stolen you from his pack."

Ebbe chuckled, following me as I led him to the living room instead of the Alpha's office. It would be less formal there.

"I don't think Jakkon or Signy were ever under the impression I was going to remain with them. Even before I met you," he admitted, slumping onto the couch with me. "Gisli knew that too. Maybe that's why she got so upset, she knew I wasn't coming back."

I frowned, guilt twisting in my chest as I watched him rub his chest as though it ached. Was it harder being far from her when he could feel her through their twin-bond, or did it make it all the harder? I wasn't brave enough to ask.

Either way, we had to make things right with Gisli. I had to. And I needed to thank Jakkon and Signy, the entire pack in fact, for all they'd done for me.

Rough fingers stroked over the back of my hand, sensing tingles over my skin. I smiled gratefully at Ebbe, reaching out to recentre his crown as the creak of the staircase echoed through.

"We're in here!" I called out, twisting to face the door while fretting over seeing my Alpha again.

How did he look today? Was he walking alright? Was he struggling, or between Sam and fast healing abilities, was he already beginning to find himself again?

Mum came in first, pushing the door wide open and glancing over her shoulder with a creased brow before stepping out of the way.

One hand bracing briefly against the doorframe, my father and Alpha grimaced slightly as he entered. Then, spotting Ebbe, he straightened up and all lines of agony softened to give nothing away. I did my best not to react at his need to act the tough, stoic Alpha in front of Ebbe, who wasn't even looking anyway. His gaze was locked respectfully over the Alpha's shoulder, pretending not to notice as Mum helped Dad sit down on his usual spot across from us.

My gaze wracked over every inch of him. Bruises were beginning to fade to yellow, scratches were scabbed over; most of them covered by the loose shirt he wore. So unlike him. Normally my father was happy to show off his shape and skin. Peacocking like every dominant wolf loved to do.

"Your mother tells me you and Ebbe have something you want to say," Dad prompted, looking between me and the male sat stiffly at my side with an eyebrow arched up. My lips twitched as I wondered if my male realised he still wore his flowery crown.

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