Chapter 29. Misunderstandings

Start from the beginning

Since she had found out who the woman she had tried to forcefully remove from the building was, she had expected that a consequence would follow. But she still would have never thought that the measure against her would be this drastic. Her conduct and duty had been perfect so far... didn't those count for something?

A lot of misunderstandings seemed to be happening today, Ryan thought amused. If everyone could brush off so easily their mistakes, how convenient would that be? They could even commit murder and get away with it very easily by saying it was only a misunderstanding.

'Manager Leah, I am sure you could more or less follow the conversation on the phone, and you also know who mister Davis is. If the president goes to such a length that he cuts off his connection with one of the shareholders because of the disrespect towards his wife, do you think an employee would be spared?' Ryan sighed, frustrated that she was still trying to excuse herself when he had more important things he needed to do.

'But even then, I should be given three warnings. You told me it was just the first warning, but now you are dismissing me completely, this is not right... At least let me resign first.' Leah stated righteously. A dismissal from the consortium would affect  other job prospects greatly, she did not want to risk it.

At this point, she had given up on trying to hold her position, especially after overhearing the phone talk, but she should still be allowed to be the one who chose to leave, rather than being let go. Surely, this wasn't an impossible thing to do... and she also had a fair point.

 'One, you did not let the ladies identify themselves, before you decided on your course of action. This could be considered your first warning.

Two, you did not let the receptionists do their job, even if you did not know your own well enough. This is the second warning.

Three, your manner of speech should be the same whether you talk to a person who seems to be a homeless person living on the streets, a person who came to the reception asking for something totally irrelevant, or if the president himself is in front of you. Your tone should never change itself. Your denial of people's requests shouldn't influence your attitude towards them, no matter what. This is in the manual of our company.

And if those three warnings are not enough...

Four, even after you were reprimanded for your mistake, you did not apologize. Not even once did you say you were sorry to the Madame for your error.' Ryan stated the reasons one by one.

Reasons that were indeed correct, giving Leah no chance to refute them.

'Manager Leah, in truth all of this could be easily dismissed, and they could be considered as part of the first warning. But the president wants you gone, and he especially wants for you to be let go of in this manner. Do you really think you could win against him? I advise you to save your breath and seriously consider changing your profession. Or you could also change the country... it is entirely up to you.' Ryan coldly informed the woman, before showing her the way out with his hand.

At Davis's mansion

'Dear, please calm down. I am sure Faye will offer a proper explanation for what happened. After that, it is only a matter of setting things right. Don't be upset, your blood pressure will go up again.' Davis's wife tried to assure the man, though she was not confident in her own words. 

Even if the father did not know his daughter well enough, she as a mother of course would know her. Faye was as arrogant as a human could get, so apart from her husband she had also advised her daughter to conduct herself in an irreproachable manner. She was even inclined to not let Faye in Zane's presence at all because of this, but the temptation of being closer to the Black's had been too great.

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