The cold look on his face told Milo that it was better if he didn't debate with him. Milo didn't doubt that he could win this argument but he decided to pick his battles, if he were to argue on every little thing, he knew he won't get anywhere. London was very stubborn but seeing the protective side of his was heartwarming.

Quit daydreaming, he is only being protective of you because you are carrying his magic.

Milo internally groaned at his inner thoughts but he knew it was correct. The overprotective attitude London was displaying didn't come from an affectionate cause. He simply wanted him alive and well so he can get his magic back, sooner than later.

Not to mention that either way, London or Toby would be killing him by the end of the week.

"Why are you frowning like that?" London sounded pissed, interrupting Milo's thoughts once again.

"Nothing..." The human mumbled softly while looking at the different buildings.

"Well it doesn't look like nothing..." The taller man insisted, seeing the human frown annoyed him, what reason could he have to be upset?

"I'm just thinking..." All Milo's vague response did was fuel London's curiosity.

"About what?" The later insisted.

"Do you think death is lonely?" Milo replied after a long silence of contemplating the sky as they walked.

"Why the weird question?"

"I don't know... I just... I have been alone since I can remember, I don't want to be alone in my death as well." He explained and felt his companion stop by his side.

"I never experienced death, so I can't know for sure..." London's tone changed greatly as he turned Milo's body to face his.

"I'm sorry..." Milo whispered vaguely but soon continued talking upon noticing the confusion on London's eyes. "I'm sorry for walking into your lives and destroying your relationship. I didn't really have a choice... My brothers, they're all I have, I couldn't lose them and I didn't mean for Toby to mark me." He ranted, not breaking eye contact for a second.

"I really wish I could turn back time and do things differently, I didn't mean to ruin your relationship and for that, I'm eternally s-" Milo's rambling was interrupted by a pair of very plump lips crushing on his.

His hazel eyes doubled in size when a warm hand landed on his cheek, cupping it gently to deepen the kiss. A very strong arm secured his waist, pulling him chest to chest with the taller man. Milo's smaller hands trembled as he held into London's shirt.

"You talk too much." London's breath caressed the human's face softly as he spoke into his mouth.

For an instance, Milo thought he was hallucinating, but the gentle bite on his lips brought him back to reality. He didn't get time to react to the kiss before London pulled back, a victorious smile adorning his lips.

"Who do you think you are?" Milo laughed humourlessly, tears welling in his eyes after London broke the kiss and started dragging him along. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" He repeated with a scream and launched at the man who took him for granted.

His relatively smaller hands were balled into fists as he started hitting the taller's chest with all his might but failed to make him budge.

"What the he-" London's confusion was written all over his features, he couldn't understand what was going on until Milo spoke again, this time with much more anger and hatred laced to his tone.

"How fucking dare you treat me like you care and kissing me in the middle of the street when you are meant to kill me by the end of the week. How fucking dare you take me for granted and dismiss all my efforts to keep your ass alive..." By that point, Milo had broken into full angry sobs but refused to stop his fruitless hit. "Why do you this? When I just told you how I felt and how scared I am of being lonely..."

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