First Day Back.

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"We're starting in Senior year today Katara, how does it feel? Being the Nerd?" Sokka  grinned as they walked to the bus stop.

"Normal I guess. We're just going to have more tests and exams." Katara shrugged and then she started backward walking.

"Besides I'm not much of a Nerd-" Then she bumps into someone.

"Oh   s-sor-" She turned around to apologise.

"Watch where your going." The guy growled.

"Hey! I was just trying to make amends, be nicer!" Katara shouted at him but he just walked away.

"He's in our school right? Really popular, I don't think  you  should mess with him, he's a jerk though." Sokka explained.

"I know who he is, Zuko. He's known for being rude." Katara said.

"Yup." Toph crossed her legs on the bench she was sitting on  at the bus stop.

"Oh, Toph I didn't know you were blindly listening." Sokka joked.

"Shut up Snoozles." Toph used her Earth bending to hit him directly in the gut.

"Ouch!" Sokka held his stomach.

"You asked for your daily Earthbending Cappuccino, so I have it to you." Toph laughed.

"Next time could you not put any frosting..." Sokka grunted.

"You guys sound like your flirting, hope your not cheating on me Sokka." Suki surprised him and put her hand on his shoulder.

"No, of course not! Toph is like an annoying younger sister, besides this happens all the time. She teases me 24/7." Sokka explained and smiled.

Then the bus arrived.

"So, Suki how was your day yesterday? Remember that date we went on yesterday? D'you wanna, you know, go again?" Sokka asked as they say beside each other.

"You mean the water park? Sure." Suki replied as she checked the time on her phone.

"Yus!" Sokka exclaimed, relaxing in his seat, and then Suki have him a kiss on the cheek making him flustered.

"Love sucks." Toph bluntly stated  as she listened.

"I know right, I won't be able to focus on school work and relationships at the same time, so I'm guessing that's why Sokka has such bad grades." Katara replied as she wrote down some notes.

"Mhm, I don't even know how this Dumbo got in a relationship with someone like Suki, she's too good for him." Toph complained.

"I mean, they've only been dating for a month or so. Let's see how long it lasts." Katara closed her notebook as the bus had reached the destination.

Grabbing Toph's hand, they got off the bus and then made there way to Class.

"Hey guys." Yue smiled as she adjusted her glasses, when they got inside the Classroom.

"Morning Yue." Katara waved.

"Sup." Toph put up her hand and say at the back of class.

"Where's Sokka and Suki?" Yue asked.

"They're probably still talking and walking slowly into class." Katara said as she took off her coat.

Then she heard the door open.

"That must be them." She turned around and then her expression changed.

It was the guy from the bus stop, behind him was another old  man and a black haired girl who looked the same age.

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