"I get it," I grumbled, crossing my legs. "I don't like it, but I get it."

"So, you're not going to cut off my balls for having sex with the enemy?" Jasper asked.

"Your balls are safe. For now," I deadpanned. "I highly doubt I'll ever be friendly with the she-beast. She essentially called me an opportunistic whore. I put her in her place, but she's horrific."

"I can stop it," Jasper said. "I value your friendship more than a quick fuck with a woman who thinks less of you. You're the real deal, Bells. I love you and I want you to be happy. If my situation with Alice ..."

"Don't, Jasper," I sighed. "I have no right to tell you who to fuck or who not to fuck."

"I'm serious, Bella," Jasper pressed. "Just say the word. Hell, it might fizzle out once we fly back to San Francisco. Or, just simply what it is ... sex."

"Maybe," I shrugged. "What happens if things move forward with the movie? I want you to be involved as my agent. Can you handle being around her?"

"Can you?"

"I can be professional. The question remains can she?" I pressed. "Come on. I want to ride the Ferris wheel. Since you're boning my arch-nemesis, you're paying, Hale."

"I can handle that," Jasper said, taking my hand and leading me to the Ferris wheel.

xx Blockbuster xx

The next morning, I heard Jasper and Alice in his room. It started around six in the morning. She really was a banshee. Her shrieks were over-the-top as they had sex. I did not need to hear my friend pound into Alice. I shuddered, deciding to get ready for the tour of Los Angeles with Edward. Their sounds were muffled as I showered, but I really needed to utilize those noise-cancelling headphones.

After I showered, I was curling my hair. I found myself eager to go out with Edward, but afraid in the same respect. I was definitely intrigued by him, attracted to his good looks. There was something about him that I trusted. I also wanted to ... I don't know ... I wanted him to know me.

Not the Isabella Swan I shared with the world, the one who was pulled together and plastered on a smile.

I wanted him to know the broken girl who'd lost everything, her happiness, her innocence, her dignity, her ability to love.

The only person I loved and trusted was Seth. He was the only person who never intentionally hurt me.

I accepted Rose and Emmett, their friendship and their help. I cared for their children, my adoptive nieces and nephew. I liked Jasper. He was the older brother I never had. But, could I love them?

I was afraid to. I was afraid that they'd throw that love back in my face, like Jacob did. I was terrified I'd have to start from scratch.


I couldn't survive that.

I'd been spacing out and my ruminations were broken by a chirrup from my phone. Smoothing my hands over my hair, I walked to the nightstand and picked up my cell phone. I saw a text from Edward. Swiping my finger across the screen, I read what he sent.

Dress comfortably. A lot of the tour will involve walking. Along with lots and lots of food ~ Edward

Good to know. What kind of food? ~ Bella

Only the best food. See you in an hour, Bella. I'm looking forward to seeing you again ~ Edward

I blushed and sent a smiley face emoticon. I walked back to the bathroom, applying my makeup. I dressed in a pair of dark wash jeans, a cream V-neck shirt with a matching cream jacket. I was debating about which shoes to wear. I only had heels or my sneakers. Remembering Edward's comment about walking, I decided to put on my sneakers. It didn't really go with what I was wearing, but walking and heels were not a good combination for me.

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