Chapter 36 (Vansh's POV)

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Then I had to do it. "SHUT UP!!!"

And she did. For a second. "I'm going to call the police." She threatened me.

"No, you don't need to call the police. I'm not a thief. I know the owner of the house. I know Kabir."

"How can I believe you? I'm going to call the police. No, no even better I'm going to call him. I'm going to call Bhaia."

I smirked. "Okay, even better. And if you're going to call him, please do a video call, so he'll be able to understand better."

She looked at me as if I was out of my mind, but did as I asked. He picked up at the fourth bell.

"Yes, didi?"

"Bhaia there's a thief in your house."

"What a thief?"

"Yes, look." She moved the camera toward me.

"Good morning, Inspector."

"Didi, he's not a thief. He's... " he stopped to think what to say.

"I'm a guest." I said, a little too eager. I cleared my throat. "I'm a guest. I was looking for a place where I could crash for a night, so Kabir offered me to stay at his house." it wasn't one of the best ideas i could've come up with, but at least she fell for it.

"Oh, okay, bhaia. I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"It's okay, didi. Now let him go."

She nodded and hung up the call.

"Sorry, sir. I didn't know."

"It's okay."

"But, sir, you don't look like you didn't have somewhere to stay at. You know by your clothes."

"But I look like a thief?"

She looked down in embarrassment. "Sorry, sir."

"It's okay. I'm kidding. And stop calling me sir. Call me Bhaia, like you do with Kabir. Now, I have to go because I'm running late."

"Okay, Bhaia."

I smiled at her, and exited Kabir's house.

I wasn't that late before, but now I'm more that late.

I was sitting on my desk, humming a song, when Angre came.

"Boss, please give them a look, I already read it, but it's alway good to be sure, and then you have to sign them." he said, putting a file on my desk.

I got the files and gave a look. "You already read them?"

"Yes, Boss."

"Okay then." I signed them without reading them. "Here." I handed him the papers with a smile.

He was the second person in a few hours that looked at me as if I was going out of my mind.

"But you didn't read them."

"Angre, it's okay. You need to chill. If you read them, I believe you."

He looked at me for a few seconds and asked "Sir, are you okay? You are behaving a little... strange."


"Yes, you are... happy. And you also have something..." he said moving his finger around his mouth "... face."

"Oh, that? I fell." not truly a lie.


"Yes, I fell in my... bathroom this morning trying to get ready faster." Today's not the day to come up with more decent excuses.

He nodded his head, but I knew he wasn't really believing what I was saying. He was going to say something, but my phone went off. I saw the caller's ID and smiled.

I looked at Angre who was looking at me as if I grew three heads.

"Mmmm Agre, can you..."

"Yes, Boss, sorry." and he exited my office.

I accepted the call.


"Send me the file."


"Send me the file" he repeated himself.

"What file?"

He sighed. "Your parents' case file. I can't find anything in the one here in the police station.

"Yeah. when do you want me to bring it?"

"No. you are not the one bringing it."

"Why not?"

"Because everyone knows you here."

"Right. I can s-"

"Don't say Angre, either. We know that he works for you. Send one of your servants or anyone who's not your bodyguard."


"Oh and also send me some photos of their car. We've got a mechanic here."

"Anything else you want to order?" I asked mockingly.

"No, I'm okay with my order. Now, buy I'm busy." and he hung up.

That was nice.

I called Angre to tell him to send someone with the file and the photos, just as Kabir said. I also explained to him what was going on: how I talked about the accident with Kabir and that now he's willing to help us.

"Okay." he was going to turn, but suddenly he remembered something and said "Before I forget it another time, Boss, there's something you need to know. You know that I also have the all the list with calls coming and going from this house. So, we found something suspicious. There's someone who's making calls to a number we can't get in contact with." I nodded my head and he continued. "So, there are two opinions: either a businessman sent someone to keep an eye on you, or the police sent a spy."

I didn't even give a second thought to the second option.

"No, it can't be the police. We've already solved everything. It has to be some business rival who sent someone. Do a check and try to find out who's behind it."

"Yes, Boss." And after this he left my office.

Who can that be?

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