32 🌑

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"So that's where you were," Hyunjin spoke up. San instantly turned around, backing up towards Hongjoong. "Hongjoong, I didn't know, I-" San hastily spat out, but Hongjoong silenced his with a reassuring nod. "It's okay, I know." San smiled relieved, looking at me, his smile fading when he saw my eyes locked with Hyunjin's. "You didn't think no one would notice you hiding by yourself did you?" Hyunjin asked San, making San feel more and more self-conscious.

Hyunjin shook it off as he didn't get a reply. "Anyways, I'm here to get my girl back if you don't mind," my eyes couldn't leave Hyunjin's for some reason, just like the last time I spoke to him. Their was just something mesmerising about his voice, though I couldn't place what exactly it was. I quickly got myself out of the trance, glancing at Hongjoong. He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "I guess this means the backup has arrived huh?"

Though it wasn't exactly looking good for Hongjoong, he still didn't seem to get stressed or annoyed. He just had this calmth over him, like he knew that everything would just be fine. I honestly wished I had that ability. Instead, all I did lately was panick, or grow annoyed at everything. "Well, nothing we can do about it now. Guess it's my turn to help out after all."

Hongjoong turned to me, a sweet smile on his face. "Y/N, why don't you stay here? I have to go help out, why don't you stay here with San for a bit more to explore? I'll be right back." He pat my head, slowly walking up front towards Hyunjin and San. San's expression turned grief, frightened as he kept his eyes on Hongjoong. He kept shaking his head, but Hongjoong just kept the smile on his face, walking past San. "Why don't we settle this with everyone else? Just us two seems a bit boring doesn't it? I'll make sure to keep her safe her if that's what you're worried about."

Hyunjin seemed to doubt, but eventually agreed to his disliking. It only took a second before they completely were out of sight, leaving me with San again. I couldn't help but notice San's lingering eyes. The entire time when he saw Hongjoong. "You really care for him don't you? Is that why you look so worried?"

San looked back at me bewildered, as if he didn't expect me to notice. A bit foolish though, it was more obvious than any emotion I had seen for the past few months. "Y/N, you don't know anything. Hongjoong really can't fight. He's not going to survive if he does!" San yelled out desperately. I couldn't help but be somewhat surprised at his strong reaction. Of course I couldn't understand. I didn't know anything. "Than why don't you go after him to help? I'll stay here, I promise." Anyone that passionate had to have a good reason. It was actually rather inspiring, it felt so genuine and pure. It was something I had seemed to lack all this time.

"But he asked me to stay with you, keep you safe here... I can't go against him. I really can't." I couldn't help but want to help him. It was a first I saw someone care so much so purely, without any selfish intentions. "What if I go with you? Would that help?" San shook his head again in disappointment. "That would only get you in more danger, I don't want that either." So that wouldn't help either huh...

I sat down in the sand, looking at the ship. "Why can't he fight?" I asked nonchalantly. A bit rude maybe, but it was purely out of genuine interest. San completely shut down for a second, silently sitting down as well. "He... he got injured because of me. It's all my fault. When we were on sea... most of us died due to drowning when a heavy storm hit Our ship had fallen over, none of us survived. So, when we got our mortal bodies back, we were completely fine. But Hongjoong? He was already heavily injured earlier to save me.

My eyes widened, looking at San. So that was why he cared so much for him. "He was always so kindhearted, putting everyone before himself. Back in our days, it wasn't uncommon to fight with other ships for their loot. One day however, when we attacked one of their ships, we didn't think they'd have this big of a crew. We were all pretty much doomed. I was held at sword point, about to die, when Hongjoong jumped in front of me. He saved me, and all of us, but he got a sword in his chest... Ever since he could barely even walk, yet always put on a brave face to keep our heads up. He suffered so we wouldn't be scared."

"But how does that affect him now? I mean, you all got your bo-" I started, figuring it out myself before I could even finish my sentence. They got their bodies back. The same state just before they all actually died. Meaning, that Hongjoong still had the severe injury, barely even able to walk. That's why he didn't fight before. He was too weak to. "Than why on earth is he walking in there? It's practically a suicide mission!" I half-yelled. They could all handle some impact, it would injure them, but kill? They wouldn't have to go that far, I figured. But with Hongjoong? Any small hit could have him killed in his condition.

I got up instantly, looking at San with tears in my eyes. I didn't even know why, but for some reason my legs started running on their own, out for everyone to find. "Y/N, stop, what are you doing!" San yelled, instantly coming after me. "I have to stop them, maybe there's some way I can help! I can't let them fight, it'll kill him! I'll come with you guys, I'll go with you on that stupid ship, but we have to hurry if you want to save him!"

Any leader that pure, who would give up his own life for his friends, was better than living here with nothing but selfish people. Maybe getting away from these people who had been nothing but selfish was really all I needed to be happy. To be surrounded by people who actually cared for others, for me as a person, not just some toy.

Unlike the people I had been with for months.

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