26 🌑

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Jeongin started banging on the barrier like crazy, yelling out our names. "You have to come back," he shouted. "Please," he now added with his voice breaking, barely anything coming out except the desperate tears he shed. "Y/N, I'm sorry that I was rude, I promise I won't do it again, just please come back to me," he tried. I couldn't help but waver upon seeing him like that.

"Don't worry, we'll be okay," I answered him. "We'll travel over the trees so we won't reach the ground." Chan had pulled me up, letting me sit on the branch. "Y/N, we should probably get going soon," he whispered in my ear. Jeongin vigorously shook his head, continuesly trying to get through. "You can't! They'll get you! You can't see them here, but they're roaming around there in the forest!"

Chan put his hands over my ears. I shouldn't be second guessing. I shouldn't be listening to Jeongin if I wanted to get out of here, but I wanted to know so badly. Was it true? Were there really ghosts out there already above the ground, able to harm us? I couldn't help but worry. What would be worth more, a guaranteed, yet not pleasant life or a possibility of a way out, yet also a possibility of dying.

My head hurt like crazy. This might just be one of the hardest choices I have ever had. "Whatever it is that's out there, I'll protect her. We'll get out of here, no matter what," Chan told Jeongin, who still didn't seem convinced. I looked up at Chan, rather uneasy upon remembering why we came here in the first place. "Chan, what about Seungmin? I thought we were going to save him too!"

Chan looked away, pained. "I know, but it's now or never. We'll go back to the edge of the forest again to at least keep him company as much as we can, but I really don't see another way." I hated it, but he was right. "Let's go." Chan nodded, taking my hands and looking me in the eyes. "It's gonna be okay, I promise. Please trust me."

"Chan, Y/N, you really can't do this, you have to come back!" Jeongin tried one last time, letting out a desperate groan. "I'm gonna get Changbin, stay there!" he shouted, probably too hopefully optimistic for the situation. "Come on, let's get out of here before they come back." Chan jumped again, almost as if we were in Tarzan. Who knew, maybe we'd end up living like them too.

About a minute later I could hear a shout from behind us, from two rather familiar voices, that I wouldn't have thought would be together. "Chan, what the hell are you thinking?" Changbin yelled furiously. "Y/N, if you don't get your ass back here right this instant you're in serious trouble," Minho raged right after him. Did Changbin let him free? I looked back, seeing their now small figures through the branches. They weren't even fighting each other, rather just the both trying to get through the barrier together.

"You don't think they'll find a way to get through right?" I asked, growing somewhat scared at the angry voices. "Y/N, sweetheart, please come back, I promise we'll figure this out okay?" Changbin tried sweetly, earning just about the loudest scoff I had ever heard from Minho. I shook my head, focusing on Chan again, grabbing his hand. He stroke it with him thumb, placing a kiss on my forehead. "It's okay, even if they do we'll be long gone."

The skies grew darker the further we got, dark clouds blocking out the sun. The ground too became darker, as more and more spirits seemed to gather, way more than was to my liking. "Don't you think this is a bit too much?" I asked Chan. He didn't even bother to look down, just keeping his eyes ahead. "We'll be out of here soon, I promise." Changbin and Minho were long gone out of sight and mind by now, just like our sense of direction. The forest seemed way bigger than we anticipated.

The deeper we went in, the emptier it became. The flowers and trees that were blooming beautifully at the beginning somehow all seemed to have withered away here, the chirping birds not even daring to get to this point. It gave me the shivers, as the Disney story in my head was slowly turning into a horror. Jeongins words were spooking through my mind like crazy, and though I wanted to trust Chan, things weren't exactly looking better.

"Baby, you wait here for a bit okay? I'll climb to the top to see how far we are," Chan said after what felt like an hour already. An hour, and we were still stuck with no visible way out. He smiled, cupping my cheeks. "Why don't you rest out for a bit? Your arms and legs must be feeling sore." I nodded, leaning in on his hand to rest my head in it. "They really are... can we take a small break? I'm sure you need rest too." Chan looked around him, sighing in defeat, yet unable to hide his smile. "Fine, but only because you're so adorable."

I closed my eyes, resting out on the large branch. If my eyes were closed, at least I wouldn't see the shadows swarming around it. They hadn't made it to the top before, so the chance that they suddenly could was awfully small. I could hear the leaves rustling in the wind, which at first seemed to calm me but when the wind started sounding like footsteps underneath, I couldn't help but fearfully look down to where the sound came from.

Down there, on the dead ground, stood a man, and he wasn't the only one!

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