Adish was in a deep meditative state while inside his room seated on the floor, as he had his eyes closed and allowed himself to get immersed in a trance. Adish then saw a vision where Lakshya seemed to be under attack by Abhay for reasons beyond his understanding causing him to snap out and rise up.

He then stepped out of his room and began to head outside with the intention of clearing his mind which was now bothered by the vision he had earlier.

While he was walking through the hallway he ran into Soumya who greeted him and asked if he needed anything to which he responded with a polite no. Once he was outside the house and passing by the lawn area he noticed Abhay who was actually Vikram impersonating the former.

Adish approached Abhay who seemed to have his eyes fixed on both Lakshya and Mahima as he curled his right hand into a hard fist making his frustration quite apparent.

"What's the matter?" Adish asked Abhay who now stood right next to him with his attention now diverted away from the main stage which was set up for the event.

"Nothing, just that I can't believe the sight before me at the moment" Abhay responded

"They're just practicing aren't they?" Adish pointed

"I know but I don't like it" Abhay vented

"And why is that so?" Adish was confused by Abhay's unusual interest in the pair on stage

"It's because....." Abhay trailed

"Because of??" Adish asked

"Srishti wouldn't like this and Lakshya seems to be giving that girl quite a lot of attention which doesn't feel right" Abhay answered

"I think you need to relax" Adish placed his hand on Abhay's shoulder to help him calm down who immediately pulls away. Adish felt something strange the minute he touched Abhay but simply couldn't figure what it was as Abhay then excused himself and walked away.

"That was unusual" Adish muttered to himself who then headed outside through the main gate.
Srishti was inside her car on the passenger seat behind while the chauffeur drove her to the Singh family mansion. She was lost in deep thought contemplating over whether she should reconsider marrying Lakshya owing to his behaviour lately especially his interactions with Mahima which she found disturbing.

The car stopped a while later and they had reached their destination. Srishti stepped out and walked right inside the premises. As she got to the lawn area her heart sank the minute she saw the mainstage.

Although she knew it meant nothing it still upsetted her as she continued walking towards the stage until she saw Abhay who was back and standing right infront as his gaze was fixed at the duo practicing on stage.

She approached Abhay, "Why do you look so bothered?"

"Why would I be bothered?" Abhay turned to her

"Do you still think you're brother is happy with this alliance?" Srishti asked

"How would I know?" Abhay responded out of annoyance

"What's with that tone? and weren't you the one who told me to relax the other day?" Srishti asked surprised by his irritated demeanour.

"What changed now?"

"Nothing at all, It's just that.... I think you should be up there instead of her" he told

"Well ofcourse I should be there which is why I'm here" Srishti told him

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