Chapter 53: Theory

Start from the beginning

Everyone laughed.

The air was then quiet for a moment as we watched wolves shift human and start taking bodies up the stairs to the hospital wing.

When the guards had left, and only us from council and a few unconscious forms still filling the cells were left, Eric stepped closer to me. "I went to help Alpha David after your rescue. We got the rest of the werecreatures out of the cavern. All were in various forms of being healed. Some completely, some half or even between. We thought it was just that you went through them before you got captured. But that wasn't it was it?"

"Some were already healed?" My head shook softly. "No. I hadn't even finished healing myself before we all got hit with that smoke."

He nodded to the floor, fingers combing through his beard in thought. "I should have put that together when you told the story earlier. Your song on the table. When you broke your wrists. That was it, wasn't it?"

I shrugged, trying to recall. "I think I remember the creatures getting louder. It didn't mean anything to me at the time either."

He smiled and patted my shoulder.

"Alpha David has been helping them. When the fully healed one's wake, he'll get them rides back to their respective packs. The less healed will need your help eventually."

I turned to William, ready to hear him complain that I needed to rest.

He sighed and pulled me into his arms, topping my hair with a kiss. "Whenever you're ready to sweetheart. I won't stand in the way of your mission."

I giggled, pulling away just enough to look up at him. "Mission?"

"Yes, mission. Moon Goddess sent you here to heal these men. I can't dictate when you feel good enough to heal anymore."

I leaned up and gave him a quick peck. "I'll still take it easy, as I'm learning too."

"Thank you," he bent to rub his nose over mine.

I pulled away giggling and Jeremy stepped up, finally not part of the silent crowd. "Who would have thought that tough guy William would be giving out Eskimo kisses? It's disgusting if you ask me."

William's arm came out to push him away. "No one is asking." Jerkoff, he added silently.

"Hey," I complained. "Don't be rude."

"You heard that?" His bright blues caught on mine. "I keep forgetting I can't always keep you out either."

The line of guards came back to the dungeon for the rest of the healed men and women. I turned to Jeremy. "How are Max and Elaina?"

Will's arms came around my center, pulling my back against his chest.

"They're good. I convinced Elaina to get medical attention too, so she's in the bed next to Max. She remarried last year, so maybe it was good that Dan never got back there. They both would have been devastated. Mr. Hall came in from Fremont late last night after her. He's there with the both of them."

Smiling, I gave a slow nod. "That's good. I'm glad they have Max back."

He sighed. "Yeah. And that kid was ecstatic to see his new dad. Dan would have been really happy that his family was being taken care of at least."

"Of course he would have."

As the last of the guards left again, I turned back to Will. "Does this mean I can heal Melvin now? He can go to trial?"

He shook his head. "They'd still know it was you."

"I wouldn't even be touching him."

"We wouldn't be able to get anywhere near him."

"We say we're family and want to say goodbye," I offered.

"Won't work. They wouldn't let visitors. Seriously Love, he's only got days left. We wouldn't be able to get to him. Let's just let him die and have Moon Goddess take care of him in the afterlife."

My jaw clenched.

I would find a way.

Tarin came up on us, trying to delicately disrupt. "I may have an idea."

I turned to her expectantly.

"How far can your voice reach?"

I looked to an empty cell, wondering myself. "Not sure."

"You two could go to DOSS's headquarters and ask for a marriage certificate."

Eric nodded at the suggestion, adding his thoughts. "You two have to get registered anyway. It's a good excuse. You go there, sign the paperwork and she sings. Maybe he'd hear."

William frowned. "That building has thirteen floors. There's no way he'd hear her."

Tarin made air quotes. "Hit the intercom, on accident?"

Eric smiled. "That could work."

William growled. "Maybe she'd heal everyone in the building. Wouldn't that look a little suspicious?"

Jeremy hit his arm. "Ah, come on Willyboy. You just said you wouldn't stand in the way of her mission. Maybe it's her mission to heal the monster too. Let him pay for what he did to us."

William grit his teeth, but he didn't argue.

"It's as good of plan as any." Jeremy continued, "and hey, maybe you guys walk up and his window is open. You just sing to him from outside and don't even have to go in. It could happen."

I considered the possibility and looked expectantly to William.

He sighed and brought me back into his arms. "I won't stand in the way of your mission."

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