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Trigger warning// Sexual assault (If you want to keep reading but can't handle the subject, scroll until you see this type of text again.)

"Max?" Shit, Louis thought to himself. This was the worst possible time for this. He could barely walk to the door without tripping.

"Can I come in?" Max asks since Louis froze and didn't know what to say. He lets Max in and closes the door behind him. "This place looks empty."

"I know. I was, um,, I was out of town for a while." Louis lies.

"Ohh." Max says and looks around him. Louis can hear how his phone is buzzing in his pocket. He checks it quickly, hoping Max doesn't see. It's Harry.


"Can I come there to chat with you for 5 mins?"

"I promisr we can talk later. Just pleasr, don't comme here nnow. Please rtrust me."

Louis can't risk another fight. He's too drunk and too exhausted for that. Now he just waits for Max to start a conversation, whatever it is that he wants to talk about.

"So um, Louis." Max says and turns around. "I had a little time to think. I did a lot of thinking. And I guess I was wrong."

"About?" Louis questions and leans to the wall behind him, trying not to seem dizzy.

"About me. I told you that I couldn't do this,,, us. But I can. I want to."


"I just- I was drunk, nothing made sense. Now when I have thought about it, I need you. I don't care if we have to hide, I just want to be with you."

"I'm- I don't know what to say." Louis stutters.

"I'm sorry that it took this long to come here." Max says and steps closer to Louis. He feels like he's going to throw up, shouldn't have drank that much.

"I just, Max.. Um don't you think it's kind of too late for this?"

"Why would it be? We can start all over again." Max steps closer again, making Louis to back against the wall. "Why? Don't you want to?"

"I um,,. What made you- made you change your mind?" Louis tries to come up with excuses to not answer.

"Have you drank?" Max asks and finally stops walking right infront of Louis. He just shakes his head and looks down. "You haven't?" Louis isn't quite sure is it because he's drunk or what but Max sounds really scary.

"A little." Louis closes his eyes and almost falls down. He fixes his posture and opens his eyes.

"Little?" Max hyms and smiles. "It's okay Lou." He takes Louis' chin and lifts it up, Louis still trying to avoid eye contact.

"We really shouldn't do this." He can get out of his mouth. Louis' feet are starting to get weak. He needs to sit down, but he's too scared that he'll pass out.

"Why? What's stopping us?"

"Me. I am." He finally stands up for himself.

"No, I know you're drunk right now, Lou. I'm just thinking about the future." Max smiles and tries to lean closer to Louis for a kiss. Louis can't really concentrate on Max talking.

"I need to sit down." He says and looks at the couch next to them. Max gets a little further away so Louis can walk past him but he almost trips. Max takes his hand and helps him to walk. Everytime Louis tries to blink, he feels like he closes his eyes for minutes.

"Feeling better?" Max asks when Louis finally sits down.

"Look, Max. I think we should continue this conversation tomorrow."

Retaliate - Larry Stylinson FanFicजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें