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It hurts...

Break up's always hurts. Especially when you have been together with that person for years. Harry and Louis met in X-factors bathrooms. He never thought that he would find his soulmate there. Who would? They immediately clicked and definitely catched feelings fast. In the bootcamp Harry would snuggle up in Louis' bed after everyone else had fallen asleep. They would whisper and giggle about the stupidest things and then, in the morning they would be all tired. Louis can still remember the first time they kissed. They were in bed, facing each other and Louis was holding Harry's face. He always thought that he would be the one to make the first move but Harry suddenly pressed his lips onto Louis. He pulled away smiling, before getting back to making out.

They didn't tell anyone about their relationship for a while but the boys probably knew about it. They didn't also have sex for a long time since Harry didn't want to. Louis didn't mind.

He would always wait for Harry.

When one direction was made and they finally got out of X-factor, Louis' and Harry's relationship got deeper. They moved in together, Harry suggested it. When they finally started fucking, it was amazing and it never stopped.

They told the others about their relationship too and they were all supportive. Niall, casually, just asked who tops. Harry and Louis got more comfortable with each other on and off stage, that's until Cowell. He torn them apart. They had to hide their feelings to each other. They barely got to hug or talk to each other. Harry was even advised to not talk to Louis on stage. They tried to hint their fans on social media as well on stage and in interviews about them, they didn't realize. 'Love will tear us apart' shirt, 'I advice them not to whisper to each other until they're off stage,' 'Always in my heart @Harry_Styles . Sincerely yours, Louis,' and countless other tweets, instagram posts, talking and touching in interviews. And the tattoos. So many tattoos. No one noticed.

Later on Louis got a "girlfriend," Eleanor. She was nice so Louis didn't mind hanging out with her, but he missed Harry, a lot. But the older they got, the more love they had for each other. Even the fake girlfriend didn't stop that.

Harry did had other women though from time to time, cause Harry and Louis would break up. They did it a lot. Fight, break up, make up, get back together. But they never lost the love. The break up fights were mostly about things like Louis hanging out with Eleanor or flirting with other men, or Harry hanging out with women when they were on break. It was hard and tiring. But they made through it.

One direction went on break and Louis kind of wished that he could finally be out with Harry, but nope. It was even harder to be with him.

Louis got depressed. He started drinking a lot and abusing other drugs as well. Harry tried to help him but it's hopeless trying to help an addict.

Louis isn't quite sure how it happened but he cheated on Harry. I mean, he thought they were on a break since they had a fight again but apparently not. Also he was drunk so he barely even remembers it. And at first it wasn't that big of a deal, Harry didn't even know about it. But that bitch got pregnant. Of course, that one time that he fucks a female, she gets pregnant. The kid isn't a problem, he loves Freddie with all of his heart, he's like a gift from God. But when Harry found out.. Well,, it wasn't pretty.

That was the last time they broke up, for good apparently. Harry hasn't talked to Louis after that. Louis tries, he really tries. He sends merry Christmas, happy new year, happy birthday messages, but he barely gets an answer. Sometimes "Thx u too." but that's it. He tries also to meet up, asks when he's in the city, trying to get his attention. Louis doesn't blame him for not answering, but he keeps on trying. Today too.

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