Chapter 16

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The Black Widow Triad

A room without windows and a door without a knob. This is one of the Black Widow Triad's headquarters, hidden in the depths of civilization.

"I'm sure you know very well why I called for a meeting without the Villavicencio's." A voice thundered in the room. This is from one of the big bosses, Jon Kee. He's in his mid thirties, well-built with ash blonde hair.

"Yes, we're all aware of that." The red head, Harvey Bien said, puffing his fifth cigarette.

"I'll point out why we should terminate them from this group. It's been months since someone from their group betrayed us and they didn't even caught the thief yet." Jon eyed the group and they nodded in agreement. There are twenty people in the room. From the door, the wind is howling madly. Must be a storm coming, Jon thought.

Jeremy Luen cleared his throat. "Jon, the second son of Matteo Villavicencio, Nathan, is currently in London. I saw him there during my vacation. We can take him out first since he has no protection there. Only his old driver."

"Not yet, Jeremy. As a Triad's rule, we have to make a vote in favor of terminating all of them, not just the family but those close to them." He paused. "Allow me to continue. Aside from the stolen money, I've noticed that our stocks are deteriorating. We also don't have any new business venture which is supposedly headed by Robert. The percentage of our profit went down from 100% to 62%. This has been going for weeks."

"It's because Alexandrite broke up with Robert. I'm guessing he's all messed up." Someone from the group said, the face is hidden in the darkest corner of the room.

"So I heard. Speaking of Alexandrite, she should be included in our list, as well as her entire family. One more thing. Matteo is not as sharp as before. Their family is slowly slipping from our group. This is hard for my part since my family and the Villavicencio's are very close. They are our extended family even their ancestors. But this can't go on. We have a rule. We can't break it. I have consulted this with our elders. Everyone in favor of eliminating them, come forward and tell this young man." Jon tapped the shoulder of a man, medium built with hazelnut eyes and chestnut colored hair. He looked so innocent. He's is the newest member of the group.

One by one, the people went in front and told the young man their decision. The young man inputted it in their system. All of them opted yes except for Harvey and another member of the Triad.

"Can you leave Alexandrite out of this? She seems like a nice person. She's also quite... Interesting." Harvey threw his cigarette.

The other member of the group, the one hidden in the shadows, also objected. " Yes, can you leave her alone? She has nothing to do with us. It's not necessary to end her life."

"But it has already been decided. Majority of the Triad said yes. I'm unable to reverse that. Harvey, since you are quite fond of the girl, I'll leave her to you. But remember, you can only keep her alive for a certain period of time. You will not interfere with the Triad. Understood?"

Harvey shook his head. "Unbelievable. I will keep her alive only to kill her in the near future."

The hidden figure stepped out and reached for Harvey's hand. "Zip your mouth now and just agree. You know Jon. He will not change his mind whatever we say. The group is already tense with all this fuss."

Harvey took out another cigarette but he didn't lit it. "I agree on one condition. I will be the one to decide her fate. I will be in charge of her death and not even one in the Triad will interfere."

Jon stared at Harvey dumbfounded. "You are one wise guy. All agreed, Alexandrite Ruiz is yours. Okay everyone, meeting adjourned. Let's call it a night."

One by one, the group lined up to the door and the newest member of the group typed in the password so the door will unlock. As the door opened, the wind cried fiercely and everyone adjusted their coats for warmth that this night can never provide.

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