eventually, the bell rang. You got out of your seat so quickly that the desk beneath you rattled against the floor, and you swung your backpack onto your shoulders. But somehow, Aoi was quicker. The black-haired girl was already a few steps away speedwalking to the gym

I need to catch up to her. Why were they so close to the area which I found Makomo's school ID? Are they hiding something??

You paced towards the door, pushing past strangers, until a familiar red-haired boy unknowingly blocked your path with his shoulder. You gave in inward groan and craned your neck to try and see past him, but too many kids were crowding at the door

"T-TANJIRO" you say through gritted teeth

The boy turns to look at you with wide eyes. When he turned, he revealed his younger sister, Nezuko, who'd been standing there with him out of your view.

"I've gotta go..." you grumble and push past them to follow after Aoi

While you speed walk through the halls after Aoi, Tanjiro rushes to catch up with you. You groan when you hear him coming

"Wait! (Y/n), wait a second," Tanjiro says

"What the hell do you want now?" You mutter

The two of you walk side by side towards the gym. Tanjiro looks at you, continuously trying to make eye contact but you refuse to look away from the floor

"I just want to walk with you" Tanjiro says quietly

"Is that okay?" He asked

You bit your lip in annoyance but didn't respond. Whatever, as long as he doesn't get in your way.

You descended the stairs quickly, trying not to lose sight of Aoi as she seemed to speed away from you. Behind you and Tanjiro, Nezuko was tapping away mindlessly at her screen.

I never asked for their presence, but oh well. I'll have to deal with this for now

When the three of you reach the gym, Aoi stands stiffly at the door, fumbling with her backpack

"Aoi!" You call out "sorry—do you have a minute?"

Aoi froze and pursed her lips at you, watching you and your friends approaching

"Er..um, I—" Aoi was cut off when her phone slipped from her hand and slid across the floor to your feet

You crouch to pick it up and a frightened look crossed the girl's face

"No pressure" Tanjiro jokes

You hand Aoi her phone and she takes it quickly

Everyone stared awkwardly at each other waiting for someone to speak. Aoi tapped her foot on the tile floor impatiently and crossed her arms.

"Well? What is it then?" She sighs

You snapped out of a daze and remembered what you were going to say

"Oh, I just... wanted to ask you about Genya. If you don't mind" you laugh nervously

Aoi shifts uncomfortably "...what about him?"

"Are you guys like, close or something now?" You inquire

The girl hauled her backpack over her shoulder and gave you a brief look of distaste. Aoi has never really looked at you that way before. She seems unhappy with you prying into that subject

"It's none of your business. You know that, right?" Aoi stated

Her defensive nature may have been off putting, but it was telling as well. You start to see that she's getting mad because there is something between them.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to be rude" you assure her

She brushes you off quickly "it's fine. Anyways I have to get changed for PE. You should too."

You and Tanjiro exchange confused looks

"Well, bye bye!" Aoi excuses herself quickly and paces over to the locker room, leaving you with Tanjiro and his sister in the now empty hall

"What a bitch...why can't she just tell me" you grit your teeth and clench a fist. All this time, the sadness you felt over your friends disappearance was slowly turning into frustration.

Once that frustration boils over into anger, you'll have nothing else to do but find someone to direct it at.

"Well, what exactly are you trying to get out of asking?" Tanjiro wonders

You furrowed your eyebrows at him "an answer. Duh."

"Well obviously, but," Tanjiro shrugs "Aoi has every right to deny you that if the question is personal."

Nezuko walked up to Tanjiro and frowned at you but you just decided to ignore her

"Obviously that pigtail bastard knows something. And I'm on to her." You mumble, and start rambling "that bitch...she was at my fucking house yesterday. I know she was up to something I know it."

"What??" Tanjiro questions, but your reply doesn't help to alleviate his concern

"I'll do anything to get info out of her. I'll do whatever it takes. I have to...I HAVE TO—" you zone out while ranting

You snap back to reality when Tanjiro grasps you firmly by the shoulders with wide eyes

"(Y/N) GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF." Tanjiro exclaimed

You blinked a few times at him

"Forgive me in advance...but do you have any idea how fucking crazy you sound right now?" Tanjiro asked lowering his voice

You release your once clenched fist and relax your face, which you didn't even realize was tense

"It seems lately...like you've been working yourself too hard."

He lets go of you and furrows his eyebrows

You glare at him but he just continues to talk

"Your grief is turning you into a different person. That is why I insist that you tell me what's going on," he sighed and reached out to place a hand on your shoulder "if you think Aoi knows something, then I trust you. But we can't go about it like this—"

Spitefully, you smacked his hand away

"There is no 'we'." You grumble

His hand shrank away from you in shock. Nezuko started towards you impatiently, but was blocked by Tanjiro's shoulder

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm doing this alone for a reason?! Just let me do this." You cried

Quickly, you whirled around to hide to tears pricking at the corners of your eyes

"I'm out of here. See you later." You muttered before running off to catch up with the class

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