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You stand face to face with Genya at the top of the stairs, nowhere to run

Genya is blocking your path with his arms crossed over his chest

"What a coincidence! Haven't seen you since that biker chick sent you home last week. Have fun hiding from your consequences?"

You let out an inward groan, rolling your eyes at your pursuer

"Can you cut the evil monologue short today? We're kind of in the middle of something." Tanjiro blurted out

You rush to cover your mouth, snickering

"That's a lot of tough talk coming from a newbie," Genya scowled "You should know how things work around here by now. But since you don't I'll tell you"

"I'm not to be messed with. Everybody at this school knows that--" 

"OHMYGODISTHATATEACHER?!!" You shout, pointing off into the distance

Genya turns for about a millisecond, but it bought you enough time to grab both Nezuko and Tanjiro, and start running

Eventually, you let go and they run at your side

You don't need to look back to know Genya is following--you can hear his footsteps thundering down the hall a few feet behind

Ahead, you can see the corner you'll have to turn to get to Mr. Uzui's room

"GO GO GO" you hissed, turning on your heels to get to the door

Tanjiro opens the door to let you and Nezuko run in first, and then he dives in behind you just in time to escape Genya's wrath

"DAMN YOU. FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!!" Genya roars from outside

You rest your back against the wall with a long sigh, sliding down onto the floor; This feels exactly like your first day.

Tanjiro's sitting on the floor across from you. He looks up and you follow his gaze

In the window to the hallway, you can see Genya stomping around searching for you with his face twisted into a sullen pout

You chuckle to yourself He'll forget about us in no time

"Why are there so many people angry at you?" Tanjiro asks abruptly, catching you off guard

Averting your gaze from the window, you stare anxiously down at your feet

Damn it, I didn't want it to come to this

"I actually don't know," You admit, twirling your shoelace with your finger "I know it has something to do with Gyutaruu, and Sabito's injury...and Genya's anger issues. But, when all is said and done, I wasn't there--I don't even tie into it in the slightest."

"Sabito? who is that?" Tanjiro mumbles

You flinch "He's...we've been friends for a long time. He did something out of character at a party once and now everybody's flipping out-"

"--But I know him. I know he would never try to put himself in the spotlight like that on purpose."

Nezuko stands up and nods, indicating that the coast is clear and Genya has left

"Did anyone else tell you their perspective when it happened?" Tanjiro leans toward you

You frown slightly "No--well, only Ume. She...said that it was all my fault. That I was trying to call the police and get their party crashed because I wasn't invited. In the end, Gyutaruu got arrested, but not the person who actually attacked Sabito."

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