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Weird, You thought but decided to move on and read the group chat messages anyway

Chat name: Three jerks walk into a bar

2:00 Pm

Makomoo: Yo yo yo! I got a vid of Genya itching his butt

Sabito🙄: NO WAY

Makomoo: Hehe 1 attachment

Sabito🙄: EW

Makomoo: Fr. I hate this class so much.

Sabito🙄: Lolll it's PE but all you ever do is sit down or walk off

Makomoo: Tru. The new kid seems to enjoy himself tho

Sabito🙄: That earrings kid? He's kinda cringe.

Makomoo: wut?? Everybody knows he's cute. He even knows he's cute

Sabito🙄: He acts like his balls haven't dropped yet

Makomoo: LOL, don't be jealous Sabito ('ω`)

Sabito🙄: Hm

You stare blankly at the screen for a moment. As much as you want to laugh at the video of Genya, you just can't.

Something weird is going on. Not just with the rumors, but with the way Sabito's been acting. Not to mention how tone-deaf Makomo sounds lately.

"Speaking of the new guy...I might as well text him" You murmur, mustering up the courage to open your messages with him

You: Hey :3

You breathe a soft sigh, resting your phone on your chest

He's probably still at school. Hopefully, I'm not pestering him.

a high pitched ding sounds from your phone as you get a new notification

Tanjirou: 1 attachment

you hold your breath and open the image, praying it wasn't something obscene or random

"My skateboard! Of course" you sigh, letting go of that fear

In the corner of the photo, you can see his hand on the board, meaning he must've been carrying it with him

Tanjirou: Heyy! You left this @ school today. I forgot to give it to you before u left, sorry

You smile

You: It's okay, I'm the one that forgot ^v^' I should be thanking you for even picking it up

Tanjirou: No worries. It's a high-quality board. Might have to take it for myself >:D

You raise your eyebrows, feeling butterflies in your stomach

You: You skate?

Tanjirou: yea. Who doesn't?

You: Fair point.

Read, 3:50 PM

Damn it! I don't want to look desperate but... I have to say it

You: You should show me sometime, uhm ONLY If you want to

Tanjirou: Ofc I want to. Next time u come to school, okay?

You: Bet.

You roll onto your back in the bed, giggling.

It seems too early to tell, but deep down you hope Tanjirou will start hanging out with you and your friends, even if Sabito doesn't really like him

It's strange to admit, but ever since you met him, things seem dull when he isn't there.

It's 6 Pm--your parents called you downstairs to eat much earlier than they usually do, so you assumed it was going to be a serious discussion.

You went down the stairs in such a hurry, you nearly hurt yourself again.

"Calm down (Y/n), there's no need to come running down the stairs," Your father frowns; he's always so critical of others "We just want to confirm something with you."

Your mother, who is sitting on the other end of the table, stares you down intently

You take a tentative step forward "Should I sit?"

"Yes, please do" Father nods

The energy in the room is intense--it's like everyone's thinking the same thing, but no one's saying anything. You pull out a chair and sit down, staring at the plate of curry rice in front of you, but you can't even eat.

"So your mother and I both got off work early today because we got a call from the principal. Do you know what I'm about to say?" His eyebrow is raised

You swallow, feeling your insides squirm

"I...got into a fight with Ume" You say timidly

"Those Shabana kids?! I thought you used to like them" mother interjects

You shake your head without looking up at her "You remember what happened, mom. It's got something to do with Sabito. It always does."

Mother and father both let out a collective sigh

"Well...on the topic of that, we wanted to talk to you about your behavior lately." Mother admits

"What's to talk about?! I'm the same as I always was" You butt in defensively

Father shakes his head, wiping his face with a napkin "Don't talk to your mother like that."

"Sorry..." You murmur

This conversation seems like it's going nowhere. Only constant back and forth, so exhausting.

"First we get calls about dress code violations, then I catch you sneaking around in bed with Sabito, and now this? They're not even going to let you go back to school tomorrow."

"Why won't you talk to us? We want to be here for you." He says. His tone sounds angry, but his words are the words of a hurting parent.

"It's not--It's..." You sigh, giving up. They probably wouldn't even believe you.

"I'm truly sorry, mom, and pa. I'll do better next time. No more trouble."

Your parents look at each other with uncertainty, but since they want to trust you, they both nod

"It's okay. Just don't do it again" Your mom smiles softly at you. Her gaze flicks down to your plate "Aren't you going to eat?"

You stand, clutching your arms in a closed-off manner "No, no I'm okay. I had a big lunch, haha"

They watch as you walk up the stairs, tears rolling down your cheeks

With your back turned to your parents, you can finally set those feelings free.

Sleep didn't come easy that night.

For the majority of the night, you laid curled up on your side, staring into the dark void under your blankets.

You can't talk to Sabito about your feelings, because he's going through a lot too

And Makomo doesn't hold a conversation well when the topic is negative

Even if you wanted to tell your parents, they wouldn't know how to help.

You want to escape, to distance yourself from everybody, but you have too many people that love you and would notice if you disappeared. How could the timing have been any worse?

When you finally managed to fall asleep, you had a dream you visited the local public pool and felt the warmth of the sun.

𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 [[Kimetsu Academy au]] (fem reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें