Chapter 13: A Journey To Tears

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I couldn't cry.

I had spent the day alone in my room, just plotting how I was going to work my way through this mess. It was exhilarating. Family. The thought of having my brother back. It didn't make me cry. It was all I wanted.

Will and I had never been too close. We didn't have the chance to get to know each other. But from the moment I knew he was alive, I knew I'd do anything to keep him that way. I knew Will in memories, in the way I knew he was the perfect heir to mom and dad, I knew he'd take care of me the same way I'd take care of him. I knew I had to find him.

I picked up my phone and called J.

"Little sister, devastated over our mother, aren't you?"

"I'm coming for the funeral."

"After I specifically asked you not to? Someone's too attached to their fake mommy."

"I'm bringing Flynn."

"Holy shit. You don't expect me to arrange for a fake funeral, do you?"

"Yes. J...she deserves it."

"No, no, no, Jamie, I won't fucking do it!"

"I'm pretty sure we'll drive out there so I guess it'll take us a day?"

"You're not good enough to pull off a funeral." He barked.

"I don't care if you want to beat the shit out of me, mom would want me there."

"Oh okay--you want to make a show of this, I understand."

"So we're doing this?"

"Just. Leave tomorrow. I'll need all the time I can get."


"You understand this is not safe?"

"Of course."

"Jamie, you don't know him, he's not cool when he's mad. If you blow your cover, there's a chance he'll lash out. In a big way."

"I understand."

"If you know what you're doing, alright. Give me a heads up before you leave. I like the way you're thinking baby J, stick to it and maybe we'll even get along."

I hung up on him and called Ace.

"I can't talk to you about him." He said. Will.

"Why not?"


"I thought you loved me?" It was a joke but it wasn't really.

I heard a chuckle in his voice and then he said, "with all my heart. But you wouldn't love me if I weren't as fucking loyal as I am."

"Mom died."

"Your fake mom who doesn't exist? Tragic."

"Flynn's taking me to the funeral."

"That's dangerous."

"So I've been told."

"No, C, he's not going to buy it. I know you think you can pull this off but you're not ready and I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I was hoping for some support."

"Look, maybe you can pull this off, okay? I'm not trying to put you down, I'm just worried about you. I've seen his temper and I've had my head bashed in because of him," he paused, "you remember that time I got hit by a car? Couldn't see with my left eye for a few days, limped my way through the week, you slept on the couch because you deemed me too fragile?"

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