Chapter 11: Cuddles

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Flynn was a surprisingly decent cuddler. I woke up before him and decided that I didn't want to move. He was warm and I liked the feeling of safety that he somehow provided.

I thought of Ace almost involuntarily. I couldn't get his face out of my head. I had to speak to him. Maybe not immediately but it had to be done. He'd been hurt. I couldn't blame him, although I wish he'd handled it better. This was harder on me than it was on him but I'd also had much longer to get used to it. I also suspected that he was scared. He was quitting. I bet that was scary as it is but knowing that he could be yanked back at any moment because of me must make it worse. Because Ace would drop everything for me if it came down to it. Even if it meant never finding that freedom again. He was always there.

Dread crawled down my spine as I felt Flynn shift in his sleep, instantly bringing me back to reality. Drew wasn't around. His bed was empty and he'd tucked the sheets in neatly. Flynn slept like a guy who didn't have a single worry in the world. I envied that but I couldn't imagine it.

I placed a hand on his chin and he stirred, "hey," I said.

He opened one eye, still half asleep and leaned into me, "hey," he murmured in a hoarse voice. I kissed his forehead instinctively and felt him pull away.

He sat up awkwardly, looking like a really sexy mess.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Uh--nothing." He eased out a little and lay back down, squeezing my shoulder.

"You can tell me," I said, "I mean, if you want to."

"You're so cute." He chuckled, then faced me for a moment, "I thought you were Izabelle."

"Would you prefer if I had been?"

"Oh, no. Jamie, I--I hate waking up with her."


"That sounds bad. I meant that every time I wake up with her it's just a reminder that she could do anything and I'd still take her back, you know?"

I nodded because I didn't know what I could say to that.

"But this," he waved around, "this is better. You're better."

"It's not like we're dating or anything. You're just nice to me."

"Am I? Discussing my ex with you, letting my friends make you awkward, am I being nice to you?"

"You're helping me study."

"Fair point but are you sure that counts?"

"Of course it does. You also let me stay over when I needed it."

"And you think I'm not getting anything out of it? I get to wake up to you."

"Aren't you a cheese-ball." I giggled.

He stared at me while I giggled and then just as I looked back, he pressed his lips on mine. Hygiene clearly wasn't the guy's concern. I didn't mind. He was on top of me as he kissed me, deep and sweet. I ran a hand down his spine and felt his muscles tighten under his t-shirt.

I wasn't sure if I was enjoying it or if I was just doing my job.

Before I knew it his shirt was off and his mouth got a bit more fire to it.

"Flynn, stop." I said, between kisses. It took him a second to register what I'd said.

"Are you okay?" He looked down at me, concerned.

"I don't want this right now," I said.


As much as I'd like for his mouth to back on mine, I knew I didn't need it. I was still hurting and it was still too soon for a rebound. Even if it would be good for the job. Right now I wasn't doing my job. Technically I was, but I really wasn't. I needed comfort and he happened to be around.

Caramel PopcornHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin