The Station quickly found out about their longing to become parents, and when they asked Travis to be their sperm donor, he more than graciously agreed. It was a simple decision, as Travis looked more like Carina than the others. And it was decided that Maya would carry the child, since Carina was diagnosed infertile and would be unable to have a healthy and safe pregnancy.

"You are the cutest, bella. Our daughter is so lucky to have you already."

The blonde firefighter smiled affectionately at her wife as she picked up a pink stuffed pig, gazing at it. "I want this for her and I'm going to name it Petunia," she said with a huge grin on her face.

Her Italian wife just giggled, prompting Maya to smile cheekily at her and wrapping her in a big hug. "I can't wait until our bambina is born, tesoro (darling)."

"Is Petunia joining us, bella?" She asked her daughter as she brought over the bowls of popcorn and set them on the coffee table in the living room.

Her daughter nodded, just as the doorbell went off, indicating that their guests were here. The brunette stood up and went to open the door, revealing her three closest friends from the fire station.

"Hey, Carina," one with curly hair said as she hugged the brunette. "Brought you some of that white wine from Joe's you like."

"Thanks Andy, come in. Hey Vic, Trav," Carina said to the others as they hugged as well, letting Carina smile just a bit more.

As soon as the little girl saw her Zias and Zio, she jumped up and ran straight for Andy. She and Andy had always been close. It must have been that blood bond that ran through their veins.

"¡Hola cariño! Estoy tan feliz de verte, ¿cómo estuvo la escuela (Hi darling! I'm so happy to see you, how was school)?" Andy asked her niece as she carried her to the sofa and sat down, still holding the small blonde in her arms.

"It was good! My teacher said I'm doing really well in math and science," she exclaimed happily, making Andy smile softly.

"Just like your mommy, huh? She was also super good at math and science... way better than me," Vic replied as she and Travis sat down on the sofa opposite from Andy, Carina and the child.

Everyone stayed silent for the next few minutes, thinking about what Vic had said. That was, until the little girl took her stuffed pig and climbed onto her Mama's lap, burrowing her head into her shoulder.

"Sorry," Vic said quietly but Carina shrugged it off. This time of year was always difficult for the group, as it gave them time to reflect on how they lost their star captain, friend, wife, and mother all on the same day.

"Bishop!" Sullivan shouted as he watched Maya run onto the ladder to start making a hole in the ceiling so the fire would escape upwards. The team was attending to an apartment fire with containment units. Most of Station 19 was caught in the containment units, with no way out, and they were losing oxygen fast.

Maya turned to look at Sullivan, fear evident in her eyes. "I... need... you to relay this message," she said, but Sullivan was refusing. "Please, Rob. I need to do this. For my team."

He nodded, reluctantly, but ready to take the message she had for him.

"Please... tell Carina how much I love her. Her and Lina, they're my world. She changed me for the better, and Lina helped turn me into a better person. Tell them that I'll watch over them, when times get tough," Maya said, choking on her tears that were now free-falling from her face. Whatever plan she had to save her team, she had to do it now, before they all died. "Tell... Andy... that she is my person, my best friend. I know it'll be hard for her, but she needs to help Carina with Lina. They all need to stick together and make sure that Lina is so well loved, make her know that," she continued as she grabbed a sledgehammer and aligned the ladder with the roof of the building. "And Rob, take care of yourself, and Andy. She'll want to take the blame, but don't let her. And she'll be the perfect captain to take my place. I'll be okay. Just take care of my girls for me."

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