Chapter Eleven The Idoraptor Battle

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Maisie and Owen had been spilt up by the Indoraptor and Maisie hiding in the Dumbwaiter, she had managed to make her way to her bedroom. She was now hiding under the covers and crying quietly, all of a sudden she went quiet as the heard the stomps of the Indoraptor entering her bedroom. She let out a frightened scream as she couldn't see what was happening, but she could sense that the creature was near. The Indoraptor gave out a growl and slowly reached to pull the cover off her when she was interrupted by Owen who had made his way to the door.
Owen stood at the entrance of Maisie's door, giving complete eye contact to the beast and holding a gun towards her. The beast slowly turned to him and started to stalk him slowly, growling and bearing her teeth, just as she got close enough to touch him, Blue charged in and jumped on her back, biting down on the hard scaly skin.
"Let's go!" Ian said, reaching the door with a pant.

Owen hurried over to Maisie with Ian in tow, getting on her bed and holding the scared little girl close to his chest as the two dinosaurs battled in the bedroom, knocking over ornaments and lights that Maisie had in her room, Blue then got thrown towards the bed, making the three of them jump from the bed. Maisie watched the battle for a few more moments before heading towards the balcony, Owen and Ian following her closely outside.
Since the auction and running from the Indoraptor, a storm had started and heavy rain was falling. Maisie hurried over to the wall and started to climb over it, gripping onto the ledge.
"Are we really doing this?" Ian asked as he reluctantly followed Owen and Maisie over the ledge.
"Just hold on and you will be fine......I've done this a lot." Maisie said, panting as she slowly moved across the edge. Ian gave out a weak chuckle and looked down with a groan at the height. To him this was like being back in the trailer on Isle Sorna hanging off the edge of the cliff, he looked back up and followed them. As they turned the corner of the mansion when Blue came crashing through the window with the Indoraptor ontop of her, the crash made them all jump, which with it being a harsh storm they slipped off the ledges, falling onto the roof below them. They gave out a small groan before sliding down, Owen now leading the group. He helped Maisie to her feet, Ian coming down after her. All three of them rose to their feet and ran forward, the dinosaurs came crashing once again out the window, this time falling down the roof and continuing to fight. Owen pointed to the ladder that was leading up a glass rooftop, Maisie went up first, Owen and Ian following close behind when that got the attention the Indoraptor who turned to chase them, jumping onto the ladder behind them and growling, she struggled to climb up with it being slippy and her not having the grip. Ian, Owen and Maisie reached the end of the glass roof top and gulped in sync as they looked down at the drop, they all turned to see that the beast had made her way up to the top. She growled and stepped forward, one paw on the metal bar and the other stepping on the glass, the glass shattered beneath her, making her instantly lift up her paw and growl, looking down at the drop. Owen kept his arm in front of Maisie so if anything happened he would protect her first, Ian was holding her shoulder gently. The Indoraptor gave a loud roar out, which made Maisie slip, pulling Owen with her. Owen gasped and gripped onto a part of the metal that was on the side, he tightly held onto Maisie's hand too, making sure she wouldn't fall. Ian was still stood at the top, he kept his eyes on the beast and glanced down at the two in worry.
"Hang on!" Ian called, noticing that the part Owen was gripping wasn't holding them. He slowly bent down and looked over at the creature that was slowly making her way towards them, growling. Just as the Indoraptor got close, they were interrupted by banging on the metal, Ian looked up quickly and saw Claire stood behind the beast, banging a gun on the metal and yelling towards the creature.

The Indoraptor glanced round her shoulder and saw Claire, she growled and started to back up towards the woman, Claire gasped and slowly picked up the gun, pointing it towards her. It gave Ian chance to help Owen and Maisie back up onto the roof, Owen then gave Claire a nod which made her switch on the infered, she pointed at the Indoraptor before slowly pointing towards Owen, resting it on Owen's chest. As the Indoraptor stepped towards the light, Claire pushed the red button on the gun which gave out a sound that the creature knew, Owen ran forward towards the beast, the beast copying him and charging towards him. Owen then jumped out the way, sliding onto the glass and down to another wall, the Indoraptor turned and roared, chasing him before the glass gave up beneath her, she gripped onto the metal with her front paws, trying to climb back up, she kept losing her right paw as she struggled to keep a grip. A moment later she managed to get her back paw onto the frame and pull herself up, panting a little and turning to Owen, the two had an intense stare off before Owen noticed Blue in the background, climbing the roof. Once she reached the top, she gave out a loud screech and jumped onto the Indoraptors back, making the glass shatter beneath them, the two dinosaurs continued to fight in the air as they fell, Blue managed to make the Indoraptor turn so she was ontop before they hit a Triceratops skull. The Indoraptor had been impaled in two places, killing her instantly, Blue shook her head and slowly stood ontop of the lifeless body, giving out a proud roar before jumping off the corpse and running away. Owen then helped Maisie and Claire back down, Ian following behind carefully.

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