Chapter 4 The Battle

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Blue woke to a sudden roar and gave out a warning growl as she rose up, waking Owen and Claire.
"Blue girl. What is it?" Owen whispered, standing up carefully not frighten his Raptor. Blue quickly shot a glance over to the two of them, her yellow eyes scanning them before she turned back to where she heard the disturbment, her lip raised as she stepped forward. Claire and Owen picked their guns up and followed the Raptor closely, who was heading towards the door. Just as they got close, the sound was heard again and Blue once again gave a warning growl.
"Oh no.....Its back..." Claire whispered to Owen.
"Blue....Come back here!" Owen breathed out to the Raptor who was taking no notice.
Just as Owen was about reach out for her tail to get her attention, a loud crash was heard and stood in front of them, watching their every move was the Scorpius Rex.
The Scorpius Rex growled and lowered herself to a battle position, Blue backed up and tapped her long claw on the floor before going into the same stance. Two loud roars from both reptiles who were facing each other, making Claire and Owen cover their ears and back away. Just as they got a safe distance the battle began, Blue jumped ontop of the Scorpius Rex and bit down, the Scorpius's tail slashing around.
"Stay away from that tail Blue!" Claire found herself yelling out, momentarily catching the focus of the Scorpius, Owen quickly pushed her to hide and the attention of the dinosaur went back to Blue. Blue stayed gripping on as she went for the neck, before being thrown across the room, winding the Raptor. Both Owen and Claire gasped and watched in horror.
"We have to help her!" Claire cried out, standing up and hurrying over to the raptor, who was slowly getting back up. Owen scanned the room and saw the construction, he quickly got up and made his way over, managing to dodge the Scorpius who was still interested in the fallen raptor. He grabbed the cold metal bars and began pushing it.
"Claire! Give me a hand!" Owen yelled over to the red haired woman. Claire looked over and soon hurried over, starting to push as well.

Blue finally got to her feet and shook her head, she quickly looked up at the dinosaur in front of her and gave out a warning screech before running towards the Scorpius and once again jumping onto her back and clawing at her. The scrap once more began again between the two dinosaurs, as the building slowly began to crumble beneath them. A few moments later, Owen and Claire had managed to push the scaffolding over and ran towards the door, Claire pushing it open. Owen stopped just inside and turned towards the fight.
"Blue! Come!" Owen shouted before doing the whistle.
Blue glanced up at Owen for a second before noticing the rubble falling around them, she quickly jumped away from the fight and ran towards Owen as the building crumbled.
Claire stood outside watching in shock as it crashed down in front of her.
"Owen! Blue! No!" Claire gasped not seeing them. "You can't do this!" She yelled, pacing back and forward. Surely they made it right?

Authors note: I know this is a bit from Camp Cretaceous, it's just my twist on it! I love the animation and the films! Thank you!

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