"I love it, I wanna stay here forever. '' Taehyung said this shower was enough to make him want to stay here forever. He wanted to shower again and use a different soap. He wanted to try all the scents the raven had in his shower.


"Well that went good," Jimin said as he followed Jungkook to the parking lot.

"It did indeed."

"Are you heading home or so to the mansion?"

"home, i have things to do"

"Alright, i'm going to the mansion Yoongi needs my help there"

"Sir, we're ready to leave," his driver said, holding the door open for Jungkook.

"one minute," Jungkook said, taking the last drag of his cigarette before throwing it on the ground and crushing it with his foot. "I will see you later, Jimin, send me the summary when you finish it," Jungkook said, getting inside his car.

"will do. Oh and, Jungkook, why were you so late today? i heard from Namjoon you went to Hanzhi's spot"

"I had to get someone there," Jungkook said, thinking of taehyung. "i dont get how he always gets in so much trouble, he is everywhere where I am, it's ridiculous."

"Maybe it's fate, aww so cute" Jimin said like he was acting in a drama. " its meant to be"

"Okay, bye" jungkook closed the door and the car started driving away, leaving an amused Jimin alone with his guard.

The drive home was long, but they got there eventually. The raven got out heading to the front entrance while his driver parked the car.

"welcome back Jeon" the guard at the front said and let the man pass. Jungkook went to the elevator while taking off his coat and pressed the penthouse button. "I wonder if he's still there," he asked himself. He wouldn't be too surprised if the boy ran off. but most likely he didn't because the boy wouldn't be able to leave so easily. Jungkook got to the top and went inside his house. the room was rather dark so he pressed the light switches. wait did he actually leave? Jungkook frowned and walked through his penthouse throwing the jacket over a chair as he searched for the annoying hybrid.

"Taehyung?" he said for once using the boy's actual name.

"Welcome back mister" taehyung suddenly popped up and walked to the raven. Jungkook's eyes stared at the boy who was wearing a set of his old clothes, too big. He looked all clean and smelled very good and fresh. The boy was actually really pretty now he saw him again.

"You showered i see"

"yes, thank you for letting me clean myself"

"you're hurt," Jungkook said, looking at Taehyung's lip where there was a cut which looked like it opened up.

"i-its okay" Taehyung said but jungkook didn't listen and got his ais kit.

"it will get infected if not cleaned, not stand still" jungkook didn't warn or anything and pressed the disinfectant cotton on the cut making taehyung flinch and jolt away whining.


"Don't be a baby. come here," Jungkook said, getting a strip. Taehyung frowned at him displeased. Jungkook didn't care and grabbed the boy's chin so his head would stay still and placed the strip over the cut to keep the cut closed so it could heal. "now don't rub it, i won't treat it a second time"

"okay....thank you"

"Did you eat?" Jungkook asked, looking in the room, he noticed no dishes in the room.

KITTEN [vkook]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora