"You've been working a lot lately. I thought I'd come and invite you to dinner."

"Dinner?" He pushed back so he could turn in his chair to face you. You took the opportunity with a smile on your face to sit in his lap. He huffed a chuckle as his hand found the small of your back.

"Yes it's...it's family dinner night at the apartment and I want you to come. Take a break, get some food."

You looked into his eyes. Those beautiful, unique eyes that seemed to change each time you looked at them. "I miss you."

The words came out in the moment, as the two of you were lost in each other's eyes. But you didn't regret saying them. You did miss him. You'd been without him for so long, when you finally had him again you wanted all of him all the time.

He watched you for a minute. Maybe considering his answer, or shocked that you would want him to come at all. You were about to start begging him when he finally answered.

"Alright kitten. But I've got a call here in a few minutes that I need to take before we go. Would you wait for-"

Your smile was big as you excitedly kissed him and cut him off from whatever he was about to say. As the kiss deepened you found yourself between his thigh and you couldn't help your hips from moving back and forth.

"Kitten I-"

You smirked as you began grinding down harder on his thigh. Kylo's hand traveled up the skirt of your dress, caressing the curve of your bare ass.

"Fuck. Naughty girl. Not wearing any panties. Did you think you were going to have to do some convincing hm?"

You just smirked at him as your grabbed hold of his shoulders. His hands were on your hips, under your dress, as he pushed you to grind down on him harder.

"Gonna make a fucking mess aren't you kitten?"

"Mmhm, just so desperate daddy," you said breathlessly as you started going faster.

You both were startled by the sudden sound of his phone ringing. You could see the slight worry in his face because this was an important call and he couldn't have your moans be heard.

"Don't worry daddy, I can be quiet." You gave him a soft kiss on the cheek as he looked at you then moved to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" His deep, smooth voice already turning you on even more. You missed hearing it.

The person on the other line began talking as you bit down hard on your lip to keep yourself from making any noise. Kylo's free hand still rested on your bare hip as he started getting involved in the conversation.

You could see he was fighting the urge to look at you. To see his desperate little kitten rubbing her cunt on his thigh. You could already see the bulge in his pants and your hand moved from his shoulder to palm over it through his pants.

You saw his jaw clench as his eyes met yours. They were piercing as they gave you a warning. You could feel his hard length as you graze over it again with a smirk before your hand went back to his shoulder. You moved your hips faster, grinding down harder. You let out the softest of whimpers when you hit the right spot that sent tingles throughout your body. Listening to Kylo's voice as he spoke only made you think of him speaking to you in the most intimate of ways.

Your hips moved faster as you began to hit that spot over and over. You felt the heat in your core rise and you started to realize how difficult it will be for you to truly stay quiet.

Your head fell to rest on his shoulder as you bit your lip even harder. You could feel the beads of sweat forming when you felt his hand move from your hips to cover the phone.

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