TVD [Klaus Mikaelson]

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summary: an AU for forbes!reader, Y/n Forbes remains human growing old while her husband is still ageless (major angst)



Klaus sat on the edge of the bed watching his fiancé pace back and forth in front of him. It had been four months since he revealed to her his secret and earlier that morning, he asked if she wanted to become a vampire.

Y/n was only 25 years old, Liz was 5. She was still young, but being with her fiancé, he couldn't bare her the gift of children.

"That doesn't make me love you any less. I don't need more children to love you, we have Liz, that is enough, you are enough." Y/n told him as he broke down that night.

"I don't think I can do it Nik. I'm young, I want to watch Liz grow old and have her own family. I can't watch her die while I'm still youthful. I'm sorry." Y/n looked at Klaus with sorrow eyes. Klaus's face softened, bring her into his lap, Y/n wrapping around him like a koala bear, crying into his shoulder.

"Oh my love, there is no need to cry." He rubbed his hand up and down the back of her head, kissing the crown of her head softly. "It's okay, I'm not mad, this is your life, I respect your decision."

"Will you still love me when I get old and wrinkly." Y/n murmured into his shoulder, still clinging onto him

"I will love you til your last breath, you will always be beautiful to me." Klaus removed her face, cupping it in his hands, wiping her tears away with the pad of his thumb.

"You won't leave me for someone young, or some vampire?" She asked.

"I will never leave, I will always love you." He smiled kissing her reddened nose.


"How are you today grandma?" Caroline came in with Bonnie and Elena. The three girls had always visited Caroline's grandmother at her home.

"Not so well dear." Y/n rasped out. Y/n was 56 when she found out she had Glioblastoma, a type of brain cancer, only having so much time left. The past year had been Liz driving her to different doctors in Virginia to help her mother, but everyone told her the same thing, there was no cure and she had a 10% chance of living 5 more years, 5 more years in pain.

She had lived with this cancer for almost three years, now send home into hospice, end of life care. Her nurse was a wonderful young man, Anthony who stayed with her in the home she had since she still young.

"How are you Miranda?" Y/n looked over at Elena. The cancer had gotten worst the past year, Y/n starting to loss some of her memory. Miranda had been a friend of her daughter who had always came over after Liz's soccer practice. "How is little Elena, is she walking yet?"

"She has." Elena tried to conceal her tears. "We have to walk her like a hawk so she doesn't walk out of the room." Bonnie grabbed Elena's hand in comfort, it was hard for the three girls, Bonnie and Elena grew up with Caroline and had a special bond with Grandma Forbes (A name Caroline always called her since she was young even though she was never a Forbes)

"Yes, Nik and I had to put gates in all the doorways so Liz wouldn't run away." Y/n chuckled before looking sad. "I miss Nik."

Nik. Y/n's husband, the three girls heard of him but had never met him, they all assumed he died before any of them were born.

"Miss Y/n." Anthony came into the room with a small smile. "It's time for your medicine and lunch, then your daughter is coming over."

"My daughter, she's already here?" Y/n looked over at Caroline in confusion.

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