The Maze Runner [Newt]

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summary: the only ones who could go into the maze were the runners, but when two go in and one comes out, is someone going to follow that rule


As I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the sun, I started to move to get ready when a set of arms kept me back. I rolled over to see Newt with half of his face pressed into my shoulder and his arms around my waist. I always loved morning, I woke up before Newt majority of the time and I just watch the sun sit on top of his face, the way his hair turns a bit more brighter.

A pushed a piece away from his eyes and kissing his forehead. "Newt, it's time to wake up, I have to go."

"No." He groaned which came out a bit muffled. "Stay."

"You know I can't, this happens every morning, I wake up and try to get ready but you just want to stay in bed, we can't keep having this cycle." I whispered.

"Why can't you stay today and have Ben run?" He asked.

"I've had Ben fill in for me for the past two days, it isn't far on him, I have to go. I'll be back tonight, I always am." I reassured. After Newt's accident, I took his place as runner and at first he was so mad and didn't talk to me for 3 days until I confronted him and he started crying in my arms. He knew the risk of being a runner and didn't want me to get hurt. He was always protective of me, it just showed he cared.

"I know." He slowly let me go and I got up and got changed.

"Come on lover boy." I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the Homestead. When I first arrived, the boys thought it be best if I had my own room and put in the Homestead with the rest of the keepers.

"There you are." Minho came jogging past us. "I thought Ben had cover again."

"No I'm here, Newt just has separation anxiety." I teased.

"I do not." He huffed.

"Don't lie shuckface." Minho said. "You can't last five minutes without her."

"Promise you'll come back." Newt asked me as the maze started to open.

"I promise." I kissed him. "I'll see you later." And with that I ran into the maze.

3rd POV:
"FUCK!" Y/n screamed a few feet behind Minho. The two were running back towards the glade before the doors closed and Y/n tripped over one of the rocks and fell on her leg.

"Y/n!" Minho turned around and ran back to her. The two weren't that far from the entrance, all they had to was turn the corner and they were there. "Can you get up?"

A gust wind blew through and you could hear the maze signaling it was closing. "Minho you have to go!"

"I can't leave you here, let me help." Minho yelled back.

"We won't make it together, I'll slow you down, go." She pleaded. Minho could never say no to her since the two years she has been here.

"When you get back, tell Newt I love him, please. Minho you're my best friend." Tears were streaming down her face.

"You're my best friend too." He gave her a sad smile before turning the corner and running back into the glade.

"Minho, where is Y/n?" Newt asked his friend. Minho didn't respond and just kept looking at the ground. "MINHO!"

"She's just around the corner, fell on her leg, can't walk." Minho still looked at the ground.

"I have to go." Newt started to run into the maze before Minho grabbed his arm and spun him around.

"You know you can't do that, it's against the rules, you wouldn't make it. Newt, she um told me to tell you something before I left." Minho breathed. "She told me to tell you that she loves you."

Newt froze, in the year that they were together, this was the first time she said she loved him. Newt watched the doors slowly close knowing he might never see her again. He wiped away the tears and took off towards the Homestead without saying a single thing to anyone. No one said anything to him either knowing how hard he was taking it, his light was gone.

He stayed in his room for the rest of the night, not coming down for dinner, the boys worried for him. Newt didn't sleep that night, he swore he could he faint screams that came from the maze which made him cry even more.

When morning came around, Newt sat in front of the maze hoping she would come back, hoping when those doors opened, she would be waiting. Some of the keepers started to walk up and see their second in command sitting in front of the door. No one lasted a night in the maze.

None of the runners wanted to go into the maze today, they wouldn't want to see what happened to her. So when the doors started to open the rest of the glade came to Newt's side, hoping Y/n would come back.

They waited a few minutes after the doors opened and still nothing, groups of boys slowly made their way back into the glade knowing they had just lost another. Newt still stood by the wall, that in any minute, she would be there.

"Come on Newt." Minho helped his friend back into the glade. Apart of Newt just died, he needed Y/n and she wasn't coming back. Newt left Minho and climbed up the watch tower, watching the boys go back to work like nothing happened, like one of their oldest friends didn't make it.

Newt watch Gally, cross Y/n's name off the wall on the maze, it was official, she was gone.

He couldn't go back to his room knowing Y/n's clothes were still there, her scent that lingered on the pillow was still there, the sweatshirt that she stole from him was still there. He sat on the watch tower, watching the sunset, something the both of them used to do together.

"I'll see you again love." Newt said quietly as the sun set behind the maze.


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