TVD/Criminal Minds [Gen fic]

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summary: when a case turns into a family reunion


"Earlier this morning, six bodies have been found with their blood drained in Mystic Falls, Virginia." Penelope explained the case to the team.

"They barely have any blood left in them, what caused this?" JJ looked the photos from her tablet.

"The local M.E. examined the body and saw bite marks on the victims neck, it looks like its teeth marks." Penelope answered.

"We're dealing with vampires?" Derek furrowed his eyebrows.

"A vampire copy-cat." Spencer restated.

"I'm not sure, the local sheriff office wouldn't give me much information, so you'll have to find out when you get there." Penelope answered.

"Get your go-bags, it's an hour and half drive." Hotch ordered before getting up and leaving the conference room.

"Weren't you born in Mystic Falls?" Emily asked me as we made our ways back to our desk.

"No, I was born in Europe, but moved to Mystic Falls when I was young." I answered. "Haven't been there in ages. Didn't expect to go back this way."

"Maybe Hotch can give you a few days off after the case and you can stay for a while." JJ smiled as we made our way towards the elevator.

"I'll think about it." I gave a tight smile.

"So Y/n, what is Mystic Falls like?" Derek asked as we went down the highway.

"It's a small town, everyone knows everyone. It's like every rich persons dream, big houses, parades every holiday, pageants." I explained. "It's going to be hard for the locals to find out someone in their town are committing these murders."

"You must be Agent Hotchner. I'm Liz Forbes, sheriff." The blonde women shook his hand when we arrived to the station.

"Nice to meet you, this is Agents Morgan, Rossi, Jareau, Prentiss, Mikaelson and Dr. Reid." Hotch introduced each of us. I saw her smile falter slightly at my introduction, she knows.

"Let me get you guys set you inside and I can bring some of you to the dumping sites." Liz brought us in.

"Mikaelson, Reid and Morgan go with Sheriff Forbes to the dumping sites, the rest of us will stay here." Hotch ordered taking a sip of coffee.

"Is there vervain in the coffee?" I asked Liz while the two made our way, Derek and Reid in the SUV behind us.

"It's in the water system." She answered.

"Good." I gave a nod. "By the way you reacted earlier, you've heard of my family's reputation and they must be back in town. But let's get this out of the way, I'm nothing like them, I keep a strict diet. And I would like the keep the supernatural world away from my team. You called us here for a reason, a vampire didn't kill those six people, if one did, you or someone else would have cleared it up on your own."

"Your Elijah's twin aren't you?" Liz looked at me. "I've heard some things about another Mikaelson sister, you've had a complete different live than the one of your siblings."

"I try to live as normal as possible." I answered. "Every ten years I move, never the same place twice."

Once we arrived outside of the worlds, Liz led the four of us deeper into the woods.

"How many people know their way through these woods?" Derek asked.

"Almost everyone. We're all locals, we grew up here." Liz answered.

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