12. Showtime 🔞

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"Hyerim-ah, you're gotta be kidding me, isn't it obvious that they're both together? Leave them alone!" Jiseul's heart isn't at peace, knowing that her bestfriend is messing up with the wrong person.

"Chill! This isn't the first time I sabotage scandals or anything. Plus, Renjun's only there for the sex obviously..."

"And how can you confirm that Jaemin isn't in love with him? Those eyes in that.... v-video... it's a different Jaemin that we had never seen before," Jiseul sighs heavily alas leaves Hyerim who was devastated with her friend's defense.

"No way Jaemin loves him... no way..." she scoffed.

"THE NA JAEMIN.... having a love life...and it's not with me! ARGH!" the young woman rages and curled up her fist, feeling hatred and pain at the same time.

"I'm gonna spread this on social media and THAT'S  GONNA RUIN RENJUN~"

She was about to hit the upload button when someone yanked her phone from her hand.

"What the f— J-Jaem.."

"Do you really want to press that button...


Hyerim's eyes widen in shock. Her heart is pulsating heavily, not knowing what situation that she's into right now. With Jaemin in front of her calling her like this, it sounded psychotic.She slowly backs off.

Jaemin kept a cool face and smirked as he looked at Hyerim who is obviously panicking. He graps a bundle of her hair, pulligng it upwards, making the young girl screeching in pain.

"Do you think that posting this will make me go to you that  easily? You know it'll make it worse for me, Hyerim..." he tightened the grip. Hyerim punches the taller's chest, begging to be let go.

Jaemin pulled out his phone and forwarded the video from Hyerim's to his, smiling softly after.

"You're a psychopath! Why act like this now when I've kicked out most of your scandals?!" Hyerim whimpers as her legs trembling from tiredness.

Jaemin puts back his phone and let out a gun, he knew there was no bullet in it, as it is harmful to bring it at school.

He only pulls it out to threaten the enemy.

He lets go Hyerim and instantly the female was on her knees, begging to be forgiven. Jaemin laughes while teasingly pulling the trigger off, Hyerim flinched in fear.

"Mind your own business Kang Hyerim. You're lucky that I have no bullets with me, " the male proclaimed as he walked away, leaving the speechless girl shaking.

"Oh and remember Hyerimmie..."

Hyerim looked up to Jaemin's feet tapping rapidly.

"Me and you? Pathetic. I'll never be with someone so destructive and stupid like you,"

"Also, I like Renjun since a long time ago, so I've never had imagined being with anyone else besides him..."

"Especially you."

Hyerim lets out a stream of tears, feeling afraid and hopeless, stupid to be exact. She looked at her phone which had the raunchy video playing. She deleted it and regretted her life decisions.

"That man is mad crazy for Renjun... I want to destroy him so bad..."

"Fuck you honestly, Na Jaemin. Now I hate you. I want you to suffer."


Renjun saw Jaemin from afar the corridor and waved at the male. Jaemin noticed this and waved back, both of them slowly approaching each other.

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