Chapter 2

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The morning passed as usual, Wilbur notified everyone of yesterday's recent events and the message. While I stood idly by the walls getting ready to take my leave. Every time I closed my eyes for a quick breather, my thoughts would come back up and, all the questions that gave me a sleepless night. 'Y/N do you think you can take Tommy and Tubbo to the embassy on your way?' I looked at Wilbur as two teenage boys made their way forward. The embassy was Tommy's old home, it now apparently resides on another person's land. I do not know much but I gave them a small nod and, threw my bag over my shoulder.

'Great, be back soon we have to prepare for the war' The two boys nodded, while the blonde one picked up his sword and started heading out of the gates, leaving me and who I presume is Tubbo to run and catch up. I looked at the smaller brunette next to me, he seemed to be carrying an overkill number of potions, no like seriously. Did he think we were going to be ambushed? Who would try and attack a female and two teenagers?

'Alright listen, why don't we convince people they're on the wrong side of the war here' The blonde chirped, spinning himself to face us. 'Convince people to join L'manberg?' I looked between the two as they spoke, the brunette looking unsure of his companion. My smile lowers, 'Stop talking we're only supposed to go to the embassy' I argue before picking up my pace, silencing out the boy's voice.

'Hey, didn't you see Dream yesterday miss?' The brunette looked at me, clutching the straps of his bag nervously. I nodded, recalling what had happened the previous day. 'So that is who he is, rather annoying don't you suppose?' I asked, thinking about how the masked man spoke to me yesterday. I am honestly quite disappointed I did not throw a punch at that stupid mask. 'I'm going to offer him a disc, Tubbo stay with the woman' The blonde ran taking off towards a house in the distance, we followed him. God, were teenagers always this persistent? I kind of regret agreeing to take them here now that one of them is pulling a stunt like this.

However, putting up an argument would cees to be futile at this point, for the boy who I can now point as Tommy is adamant on putting up an offer. Tommy writes his note quickly, letting out small shaky breathes as he made sure his writing was coherent. I rested my head against the wall, sharing glances with Tubbo who was wringing his wrists nervously. I heard a pen being placed down and went over to read. It was not the neatest note that is for sure, but it was clear enough to read.


If tomorrow you don't attack, I am willing to offer you the disc Mellohi. Also provided you step out of the war and don't attack us.


I patted Tommy's shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. I may have no clue what this war was about, but surely enough two teenagers did not deserve to be pulled into this. I pulled Tommy up by the hand, he smiled nervously as we were ready to leave. We heard a door open and emitting a rather loud slam as it closed, Tommy let out a screech taking off towards the back exit. I grabbed Tubbo by the wrist and ran in the same direction that Tommy took off. 'Tommy you idiot!' I tighten my grip on Tubbo, and move in front of Tommy.

Stood waiting outside, was the man everyone called Dream. He was clutching a crossbow, readying with an arrow in the other. 'Separate, back to L'manberg!' Tommy wailed while diving off. Tubbo then releases my grip and takes off with Dream on his tail. This is not good, Tubbo was in no condition to ever be fighting a fully grown male. Especially only carrying potions with him. I unsheathed my sword and made my direction towards Tubbo, I sprinted forward gripping my sword tight. Dream glances back, now pulling back the strings to take aim. Shit, if I cannot protect a kid then how useless am I. I tried picking up my pace, thoughts running through my head. However with a piercing thump, an arrow was now buried into Tubbo's shoulder, causing him to fall in pain. The potions slipped out of his bag rolling away, as he let out a wail.

My mind seems to switch to some sort of protection mode, as I stand in front of Tubbo gripping my sword to the point my knuckles were pale. Tubbo stands up gripping his shoulder and looks at me tears of pain running down his face, 'Tubbo go back to L'manberg, tell Wilbur I'll arrive shortly.' I turn my head back to dream who looked at us unamused, hearing the footsteps behind me grow more distant.

He throws a strike to which I stop with my own sword, pushing me back slightly. What kind of psycho shoots a teenager? As metal clangs on metal, I come to the realisation that I wasn't going to win this. I couldn't land a hit on him, and so far, have only been able to use defence against his weapon. He lets out a small yawn and smirks at me. Oh, to hit him right in that masked face right now would be a dream come true. He takes a step in; out of instinct I move back still defending against his sword. However, I stumble back, and my sword moves a few inches away from me. I try to move my arm closer to it, stretching out my fingers but, he places a foot on my wrist and looks down at me.

I couldn't reach my sword and was trapped he could kill me if he wanted too honestly. He stood there staring at me, while I gave him a cold glare. 'Hello again Y/N I didn't expect to be seeing you again' He greets crouching down, our faces were now only a few centimetres apart, and he still had a grin plastered on his face. 'I wish I didn't see you again Dream' I spit, kicking at his leg. He moves backwards, giving me enough time to grab my sword. Or so I thought. I sat still, while a sword was placed against my neck, I could feel the cool blade brushing against my skin slightly as I shuddered slightly. I was at his mercy; I closed my eyes shut. So much for visiting the embassy I guess, I felt warm breathing next to my ear. 'Sweet dreams' and just like that, everything went dark as I slipped out of conciseness.

I pulled myself up, I was in a van. I picked myself and felt my head, a throbbing sensation came from it as I winced. 'Ah, your awake!' I looked to my right, it was a boy or fox. No need to be specific I guess, 'You're lucky we found you just in time, Tommy helped Wilbur carry you back here' I nodded, picking myself up. My hair seemed to have been moved out of my face, as it tied up messily (if your hair is too short to tie then it was pinned to the side). With a small sigh, I thanked the boy whose name happened to be Fundy and made my way out of the van. Unless Tommy's offer worked, I had a war to prepare for. Today I was supposed to leave, but I guess my plans have changed.

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 2 of The thief and the villain, it'll get better trust me- 

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