Hatred is a stronger negative emotion from where there is no come back. Once you hate something, you'd never think to love it. Disliking is reversible. You can always like things that you once did not like. She spoke which displayed experience.

No. He said slowly but strongly.

She turned to him with puzzled eyes. What?

There's nothing in the world that's irreversible. It depends on just the two involved people. One, the giver. Other, the reciever. Hatred and dislike both are emotions. Maybe, one a tad bit deeper than the other.

You perceive the feeling as hatred if the giver doesn't repent, doesn't apologize for the hurt he caused, doesn't seek forgiveness.

If he does all that, then it would limit only to dislike.

Someday, you'd be able to be civil with that one, knowing somewhere in the corner of your heart he or she would think atleast twice before hurting you again. He concluded his POV only to find her staring at him intensely. He just told what life and she taught him. He thought the conversation went too serious and stood up to leave this place and topic as well.

Is it worth all the pain? She asked as she held his hand with her soft, small ones.


Is forgiveness worth all the pain? She repeated more clearly.

Try it yourself, Nandini. Remember you once told me every person has his own perceptions, pains and decisions. Try and see if it's worth it.

So saying, he held her hand and they left the place with Nandini lost in deep thoughts.

SPACE Institute of Health Sciences

It had been two months since Nandini joined SPACE and Mansi made 'Butterflies'. Life was a bliss to the girl. Her friends were unique in their own way. Manu was funny, Noor was the timid one, Avi the lady einstein, Kriti the confused but gorgeous one and finally, there's Nayan the daayan, whom she fondly calls witch.

But, in all this happy life, a certain tall brown eyed boy never left Nandini's thoughts. She kept thinking about him whenever she saw someone tall, or whenever she saw anyone rotating their pen, including herself. A habit that once helped her concentrate now distracted her. She was intrigued by him.

Nandini was going to her Anatomy class hurriedly cursing herself for being late to the 'Disciplinarian' class when she heard a screeching sound to her left.

She never entered that wing as she didn't belong to that stream. She stopped for a minute and gave a glance in that direction, but finally shrugged and decided to proceed when she heard the noise again.

Being herself, Nandini slowly stepped into what seemed like a chemistry laboratory. It was eerily lonely that she doubted human habitation nearby if she knew not better that she was still in the college.

All she saw was glistening glass beakers and all her nose sensed was a pungent but fruity smell. Her focus shifted to a stool that made the disturbing sounds that brought her there.

She stepped forward, her senses alert for any danger when her eyes finally widened in shock.

A man bending on his knees with one hand on his head and other trying to move the stool.

FOR ALL THAT IS LEFT - A MaNan ffWhere stories live. Discover now