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Answered by : @Louisology-

What is the difference between bisexual and pansexual :

bisexual is an attraction to two (or more) genders. pansexual is attraction to all genders. people of both sexualities can have a gender preference.

How did you come out ? :

i haven't come out to my family or in real life friends but i came out to a few online friends awhile back just by telling them. and later i put "💖💜💙" in my wattpad bio.

When did know you bisexual ? :

i don't think there was a specific time, over time i was just like "oh those were crushes, i wasn't just admiring her." or "straight girls aren't going home and thinking about this girl, who you've never even talked, to all evening." and then i realized i liked girls.

. How do you know if you are bisexual:   as cliche as this sounds, you'll know when it feels right.

Do you have a gender preference ?: girls!

If you could choose to 100% gay or 100% straight would you ? :

maybe. people would understand more and are more likely to believe you.

In your own words is being bisexual a 50/50 thing or is it own category . :

for some people, yes, it is a 50/50 thing but it can definitely vary for others (it could be 90/10, 30/70, etc.) but don't worry about putting a fraction to your attraction just like who you like.

Do you have any tips on how to come out as gay /lesbian /bisexual etc?:

do it on your own time! when it feels right (and safe) for you to come out, do it. come out on social media first, people are less likely to judge you and if they do, block them. if you don't want to say the words "i'm *insert your sexuality*" write it down, or make a cake.


Answered by: @sav_and_the_phantoms

What is the difference between bisexual and pansexual :

being pansexual means you are attraction to all genders or regardless of gender , well being bisexual means you are attracted to two or more genders .

How did you come out ? :

came out on Wattpad

When did know you bisexual ? :

I figured it out when I had my first ever crush on a girl while at college .

How do you know if you are bisexual:  

you just feel attracted to girls like you are suppose to with boys you just know

Do you have a gender preference ?:  girls

If you could choose to 100% gay or 100% straight would you ? :

gay it be easier to say "oh I am lesbian "
then having people look at you weird and thinking oh that not real thing

In your own words is being bisexual a 50/50 thing or is it own category . : 

it's totally it own thing there not always a 50/50 thing you can't just flip a switch say " oh am straight now " that's just not how it works.

Do you have any tips on how to come out as gay /lesbian /bisexual etc?:

yes if you are uncomfortable you can write in a note or bake a cake even but it's up to you it's whatever your comfortable with this your coming out moment .


Answered by :

What is the difference between bisexual and pansexual :

The text book definition of Bisexual is being attached to two or more genders. Where pansexual is having no preference for gender.

How did you come out ? :

I came out by showing my mom the pride flag I ordered and then I just told her. For my dad and stepmom I just hinted for a while and then I said it.

When did know you bisexual ? :

when I started questioning if I was straight (straight people don't question if they're straight). And I had always thought girls were beautiful and kissed a few of them before I came out.

How do you know if you are bisexual

you just (well for me) I knew. But you just start feeling a certain way towards girls or any other gender besides your own.

Do you have a gender preference ?:

yes Women.

If you could choose to 100% gay or 100% straight would you ? :

nope. I have options and while you do experience a lot of homophobia and biphobia, I love who I love and wouldn't change a thing.

In your own words is being bisexual a 50/50 thing or is it own category . :

it can be completely 50/50 but some people who identify as bisexual have a preference.

Do you have any tips on how to come out as gay /lesbian /bisexual etc?:

I can't tell you how to come out, I don't know everyone's situation. But here is the one thing I can tell you, COME OUT TO WHO YOU WANT AND WHEN YOUR READY AND COMFORTABLE! You also don't owe anyone, anything.

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