“Erza told us to meet the rest of you here,” Levy sighed. “She didn’t tell us what it was about.”

Juvia, Gray, Mira, and Laxus came in next. While Juvia and Gray looked confused like the rest of us, Mira and Laxus had serious expressions. They must know why we’re all meeting in here.

“Laxus,” I murmured, pulling him to the side, “what’s going on?”

“It’s bad,” he sighed. “Erza, Jellal, Mirajane, and I all went on patrol this morning like usual, but everything was quiet. It’s Fairy Tail’s job to protect the human citizens of Magnolia by killing any harmful supernaturals that come within the city limits. We were all sent here because supernaturals have been sneaking in and killing people, right?”

Gray and Natsu had joined the conversation by now, and the three of us nodded. “We’re investigating the leaders, to see if they’ve forfeited the treaty by not protecting Magnolia,” Gray added.

“And in the almost two months that we’ve been here, have you found any evidence supporting that Fairy Tail isn’t protecting Magnolia?”

We all shook our heads. We hadn’t found anything really since our assignment began. The leaders all seemed to be doing their jobs. We went out with them during the day, and assisted the night patrols at night most of the time as well (when we weren’t sneaking out to conduct our investigations).

“I think that’s because there never was a supernatural problem to begin with,” he frowned.

“What do you mean?” Natsu asked.

“I think—”

“Good, everyone is here,” Erza said, cutting Laxus off as she entered the room with Jellal.

“What happened, Erza?” Lucy asked.

“Mirajane and I, along with our guards, discovered something unsettling while on our morning patrol.”

“It seems that Zeref has reappeared, and he appears to be moving towards Fairy Tail,” Mira continued.

“Shit,” I breathed. Everyone at the academy knew who Zeref was. We practically took an entire course about the bastard. He was the father of all demons, and a devil in every sense of the word. He was last seen about two hundred years before, and had massacred half of one of Fiore’s neighboring countries with an army of demons and other supernatural creatures.

“Why is he coming here?” Levy asked, concern thick in her voice. Erza and Mira exchanged a look, one that Laxus and Jellal shared. “What?” She asked, frowning at them.

“We aren’t sure of anything yet,” Mira began.

“But we believe he is after you, Levy,” Erza finished.

She gasped, her hazel eyes wide as she stared at them. “Me? Why would he be coming after me?”

“Because of the information you possess,” Mira said.

“Zeref has been in hiding for two hundred years, so it’s reasonable to assume he doesn’t have a lot of information about our current world,” Jellal explained. “If he has been gathering information from other supernaturals, it’s safe to say that your name has come up more than a few times, considering what you do and how many contacts you have.”

“If he thinks you will be able to provide him with the information he needs to successfully accomplish whatever his goals are for coming out of hiding, then he’ll surely come here to get you.” Erza crossed her arms when she finished, sighing.

“Then we should be doing something!” Natsu shouted. “We can’t let Zeref come to Magnolia—think of all the innocent humans that will get caught in the crossfires of a fight with him!”

My Beautiful Devil (Gale) {Fairy Tail AU}Where stories live. Discover now